Chapter 309: Filling The Dots-II

A loud crash filled the entire corridor some maid who also passed by the corner hurried to see a maid had fallen down above Yue. Xiao Yun didn't took a clear look as it happened fast and when she knew it, Yue had stumbled behind while the blue porcelain vase had broken into pieces beside her.

Yue held the maid's body to protect her from injuring herself although in process he felt his back throb from the fall. The first thing he had to check first was whether his wig was still over his head and fortunately it did or else it will be hard to explain himself why he had to wear wig to Xiao Yun who stood right beside him when his hair was perfectly fine.

The maid look in horror when she realized who she had collapsed on and she quickly jerked up, Yue pulled her hand with his eyes snapping to the maid.