Chapter 315: Stolen-I

Xiao Yun didn't know whether it was right to ask Mrs. Sophia as it seemed with the work she had done, she want to keep the secret hidden. But they needed to know and for that they have to meet them.

"Other than that, what is this book about?" Wang Li Lei brought her attention back to the dull brown book on the desk.

"I received it from Mr. Liu he said it will help me more to utilize the gem's power." and when he heard this, Xiao Yun clearly show a look on Wang Li Lei's face who read the book title and laughed.

"I know what you are thinking of. It's weird isn't it the title I mean." and he nodded.

"Did you find anything from the book?" he took the book to his hand simultaneously and opened the first pages when she replied at the same time,

"As you see, nothing. I thought he was joking." and it seemed true as Wang Li Lei also couldn't read the book.