Chapter 354: The Master, Nephew, Disciple-IV

Xiao Yun snapped her eyes at the water basin that had fallen off the edge and created a loud clanking sound but she was more surprised at Yue who had called Tian Yi as 'Shifu'. Yue wasn't at his place any longer. He had rushed to Tian Yi's side, checking his pulse and the wounds he received. Seeing Tian Yi's face was pale, his face almost paled at the same time. When he was about to touch Tian Yi, Wang Li Lei pulled out his gun. The silver barrel touched Yue's head.

"You could go." instructed Wang Li Lei to the doctor who was shocked speechless when he saw him pull his gun beneath his suit. Without a word, the man ran in fear, afraid of being shot to death, closing the door behind him.

"Who are you? What's your relationship with Tian Yi?" questioned Wang Li Lei without moving his gun. It was not hard to know the farce he took as Yue was fake and that he was someone who knows more than a normal housekeeper would.