Chapter 358: The Master and His Disciples-IV

"Uncle you don't believe me, don't you?!" Tian Shi angrily grumbled.

"About Tian San being bullied by Tian Wu?" Tian Yi saw Tian Shi nodding and sigh, "How come I've never heard that from Tian San? I asked him yesterday if he had dispute between him and Tian Wu but he said nothing. You're thinking too much."

"Forget it! I am thinking too much! You're right! Just see if you have to swallow your words later!" Harrumphed Tian Shi and he slammed the door close that even surprised Tian Yi from his seat.

"That boy." Tian Yi murmured. "Does he has some stomach cramp? Why is his anger is no less than his mother?"

Tian Shi stormed out of the place in the hurry he bumped and fell. Looking up, he saw it was Tian Qi. "Sorry. What are you doing? Here, stand up." Tian Qi lend his hand and Tian Shi took with a sulky expression. "I've said sorry, you know." Tian Qi said when he looked at his angry expression.