Chapter 363: Fall To Pieces-I

Wang Li Lei arrived in the dragon group in the evening. The people he had ordered settled their best protection and heightened the security of Dragon group subtly so there should be no one who could i trude to the plan that would go on tomorrow.

"Who do you think could have sent the letter?" asked Wang Li Lei and it took Jang Hyun a very long time to realize he was talking to him. But the master had always preferred to keep everything quiet to himself and he was surprise to be asked for opinion in which he rarely had the opportunity to. Perhaps not because Wang Li Lei didn't have fait on him but that was just how the man was.

Jang Hyun took a stop of pouring the tea from the teapot, "In my opinion, it would be Master Andy." he kept briefly and seeing Wang Li Lei didn't ask why, he knew that the man must have thought so.