Chapter 381: She’s Not Here-III

This was weird, Xiao Yun couldn't contact her and wondered what could have happen for Zhi Ling King to be unable to receive her call. She then thought of Nie An who knows Zhi Ling Ling's parents thinking to call them but when she tried to call Nie An, the girl also was unable to be contacted. All her calls failed. Where could the two be? Like Zhi Ling Ling, Nie An would never ignore her calls. This get her mind to flared up in concern. She had one more person to call and quickly reach for Xue Xiu Yong, holing this time, the call will go through.

While moving in a fast steps, Xiao Yun was lucky to have chosen not to wear heels but boots until the party started which helped her to have a faster dash to search the party halls. As she was in a hurry, she noticed how many eyes were on her when she passed by the halls, people wanting to talk with her for connections but she was in a bind to reply each of them.