Chapter 394: Saving a Life-I

Xiao Yun went back to the private room and excused herself to the washroom. Qingge was worried that she had bite her cheeks when Lin Chang Lu had slapped her. However, in truth she wasn't wounded at all. The trail of blood which was a little were only a small pill blood use in a simple act. For Lin Chang Lu, she wouldn't want to let herself slapped only to proof a point. There was no need for that.

Turning off the faucet, she walked outside the washroom. Pulling her phone to call Xue Xiu Yong, she then noticed the man standing in front of the corner where the washroom was. He had made sure to make distance so he wouldn't stand in front of the female washroom. It was Fan Gang, Lin Chang Lu's secretary. The side of his face was bright red and a scratch mark wounded bellow his eyes.