Chapter 2: Giant Tiger

It has been around two days since Esen's system finally finished its synchronization.

During that time Esen has been thinking nonstop of ways to get off of the island.

'I can't swim due to the sea kings, I don't know how to make a boat and even if I did it would be way too small and the sea kings would devour me. And who knows how long it will take for a boat to pass by. In the end its all those damn sea kings fault.'

Of course, that's not the only thing he has been thinking of.

Recently he realized that the fruits he has been eating aren't filling him up as much as they used to.

Due to the rich lifestyle, he had in his past life he had never really experienced extreme hunger until the first few days he arrived on this island.

Because of that hunger, it forced him to go to the edge of the forest and find edible fruits but now they're becoming inefficient.

'I need meat I don't think I can eat fruit for another week or however long it will take for a boat to pass by.'

While thinking this his head turned towards the forest behind him.

'Alright fine I really hope I don't regret this.'

Esen began walking towards the forest until soon he disappeared from sight into the vegetation.

Esen continued to walk through the forest since his plan was to keep walking until he runs into something he could eat or reaches the other side of the forest.

The forest wasn't too dense but it was still hard for him to see more 8 meters ahead of him and the large trees surrounding him weren't helping because they kept blocking out the sunlight causing it to get pretty dark at times.

Even so, Enes kept moving forward he wasn't scared of the dark and he had his spidey sense to warn him of any danger so he was pretty confident but still, the forest gave him a really eerie feeling.


A bush behind him suddenly shook making him causing him to quickly turn around.

'Looks like I finally found something or it found me I guess.'

Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh

'And it looks like its really fast one piece never really gave any knowledge of what kind of animals live on land so what could it be?'

At this point, he completely stopped moving and was just standing there as everything around he shook like something was surrounding him running in circles.


Suddenly Enes felt something inside his head like a voice screaming at him to move.

He quickly jumped as high as he could and grabbed onto a tree branch above him.

A second later a flash jumped out of the bushes and pounced exactly were he was just standing.

When he looked down even after seeing the massive 60-meter snake he was shocked.

It was a tiger and a massive one at that it was easily over 4 meters tall and 12 meters long.

It was black and orange like a normal tiger but every step it took shook the ground and he had to wonder how the hell that thing snuck around in the vegetation.

'Well, I feel reassured I didn't go into the forest while I didn't have my system it would have been a bloodbath. Anyway, I still haven't used my powers much since I got them this is the perfect opportunity and worse comes to worst I'll just run using the trees.'

Meanwhile, on the ground, the tiger was still looking up at Enes growling making the tiger's body vibrate.

Enes in return looked down at the tiger and took a deep breathe collecting himself.

After calming down he prepared himself mentally and let go of the branch.

While he was falling he made sure he materialized his shield and focused his eyes on the tigers head.

'Please don't miss.'

Hoping the shield would work as it works in the movie he pulled his arm back and threw it with all his strength at the tiger face.

The shield flew through the air and started to curve it was extremely fast and before the tiger could dodge the shield flew right into the side of his face.


The sound of metal vibrating could be heard as the tiger was dazed and almost fell over from the impact.

Meanwhile, the shield that hit him was flying back towards Enes.

'What the hell is it a heat-seeking missile how does it even come back.'

Enes wondered as he grabbed the shield and finally landed on the ground.

The tiger who was shaking its head finally got out of its daze and looked at Enes with eyes of pure rage.


The tiger raised its massive paw and slammed it down towards his direction.

The spidey sense once again warned him and Enes quickly dodged to the right while still keeping his eyes locked on the tigers head.

He threw the shield straight towards its head again while he was in mid-dodge and when he landed back on the ground the shield hit the tigers head again.

Tiger staggered backward as the shield flew back to his hands the moment the shield returned he threw it again while the tiger was still in a daze.

The tiger stumbled back again not able to regain its balance.

Enes kept throwing the shield faster and faster with more strength over time creating a barrage of the shield knocking into the tigers head.

On the fifteenth throw, he finally stopped once the shield returned and began to run at the tiger.

'Listen this is going to hurt you a lot more than it's going to hurt me.

He threw the shield again but this time it wasn't aimed for its head but instead its front right leg.

The shield crashed into its leg and when it did a crack~ could be heard.

In the instance, the tiger roared in pain as its leg looked slightly bent Enes quickly grabbed the shield on its return and jumped right towards the tigers face.

He pulled back his arm and with the shield still in hand he slammed it again the right side of the tiger's jaw.

This time louder crack~! Could be heard and the tiger's jaw became offset as its body tipped over.

Slowly it fell on its side hitting the ground with a loud thud!

Enes just looked at the fallen tiger for a moment while breathing a little heavily.

'Holy crap my heart is racing I didn't expect that to actually work.'

Slowly his breathing calmed down and a smile started to replace his confused face.

He walked up to the Tigers face and looked at it.

'Wow, it really is big. I wonder if tiger meat is edible.'

[Host has defeated enemy "Giant Tiger" Exp gained will be added to System Rank.]

"Huh. OK, what does that mean?"

[Host will get Exp from defeating enemies and that Exp will be added to the overall System Rank. The higher your System Rank the higher the chance you will get something more powerful during lottery draws.]

"So the more things I defeat the higher my luck and the higher chance I can get something good from the lottery like Mjolnir?"


'Good to know at least I will have an objective instead of just wondering the world for no reason.'

After closing the system menu Enes looked back at the tiger and jumped onto its neck.

'This is going to be my first time killing anything since I got here but if it means me surviving then I'll do what I have to.'

He hesitated but eventually raised his shield over the tiger's large neck after pausing for a few seconds he slammed it down on its neck multiple times until it eventually crushed its throat and died.