
A few months later.

In a certain fast-food restaurant, Lance's Aunt Liza sat in front of Lance while drinking her shake. She looked out the window feeling annoyed by the heat.

"Why is it so hot this season?"

"Aunt, I believe it has always been hot during the summer."

"Hey, shut it little brat!"


Lance and his aunt just had their lunch. His aunt looked at him and sighed.

"Are you really sure?"

"About what?"

"About separating. You want to transfer schools right? And you told me your gonna rent an apartment near it."

Lance thought for a second the decisions he had made. When he found that he somehow traveled back in time, he couldn't believe it. Actually, it took days before he became accustomed to reality. Then after getting over it, he decided to move out of the state and live somewhere else so that no one would be bewildered by his change in personality and attitude when exposed to him.

"I thought we already talked about this? Don't worry aunt, I'll be fine I promise."

"But, don't you have any friends you are leaving behind?"

"... I think you should know that I don't have any, right?"

Lance looked outside and remembered his childhood, ever since his mother died, not only did his relationship with his father broke down but also his social life went downhill. Ever since then he avoided everybody else.

Thinking about it, Lance realized that there are only a handful of people who he believed are close to him which includes his supportive aunt.

"So have you thought about where to study? Aren't you gonna play basketball too? Do you have any school in mind?"

"... That I-"

"Thought so."

"Geh-" Lance awkwardly let out a reaction in front of his aunt as he couldn't deny it.

"How am I not gonna worry if you are like that?"


Looking at Lance, Liza sighed before beaming into a smile. She continued, "I called some acquaintance to help you find some schools you'll be interested in. I am just waiting for the response. You better thank this auntie of yours."

Lance was delighted and touched. His aunt has always been supportive of him and helped him all the time.

Suddenly her phone rang and caught their attention.

"Excuse me for a second... Hello..."

Liza conversed with the phone for a while and left the table. Lance glanced at her departing back before finishing the milkshake in his hand.

"This one tastes good!"

Liza came back while Lance enjoyed his shake. As soon as she sat down, she smiled and looked at Lance.

"I've got good news for you."

The boy looked at his aunt and wondered what made her look happy.

"What is it?"

"Haha! I found a school you'd definitely like."

"A school?"


Liza and Lance jumped out of their car and walked towards the school gate. Along the way, Lance saw the huge letters embedded on the wall beside the gate.

'Citadel State Highschool'


Liza looked at Lance and said, "Yes it's CSH."

She proudly confirmed while emphasizing the school's initials.

"So why pick this school?"

Liza suddenly stumped and wryly smiled.

"Do you not know CSH?"

"Should I?"

They stopped walking for a moment as Liza helplessly cleared her throat. SHe fixed her posture before explaining, "You don't know CSH? The CSH!? Are you a caveman?"

"Well... As my aunt, shouldn't you know why?"

"Geh! Of course... What would expect from a teen who barred himself from the rest of the world..." She murmured in a low voice.

Lance somewhat heard her murmur something and asked, "Did you say something?"

Liza stared at her nephew and sighed once again. "I don't know why but I seem to have been sighing a lot since I took care of you."

"Hehe. Sorry."

"But... I am really glad to see you become lively again."

Lance looked down and said, "Thanks aunt Liza... For everything..."

"Why now?"

Liza grabbed her nephew and hugged him for a while. Liza let go of her nephew and placed her hands on his shoulders while looking at him directly in the eye.

"Ok, back to the topic... You don't know CSH, right? Then, I'll tell you..."

The duo soon entered the school and immediately saw how huge the school is. Apart from the 5-story main building, there a couple more buildings uniformly arranged that surrounds a huge space that seemed like a park.

"This is CSH! Do you see those 3 buildings on the west side? Those large buildings are dedicated to sports. You might not know this but CSH is among the 6 strongest high school sports powerhouse. And apart from baseball, football, and soccer, they are well known for rearing national favorite high school basketball team."

Lance was amazed by the school and its reputation. No wonder he found the name quite familiar.

The boy pondered seriously.

"Is it not the CSH Falcon that won the nationals that year? Wait... isn't the year they'll win." He thought to himself feeling more amazed by the school.

"Lance, something wrong?" Liza noticed him pause for a while and worriedly asked if he is alright.

"No nothing's wrong."

"Okay... Then follow me."

When they arrived at the main building, they noticed some students from the distance.

Some student also noticed them especially Lance's aunt, Liza.

"Hey, isn't that Liza Peyn?"

"Liza Peyn? Where?"

"Isn't she the rising star of the South Ridge Sirens team?"

"You mean the southpaw closer of the Sirens, Liza?"

"Hey, you're right she does look like her!"

"If she is Liza, why is she here?"

"Do you think we can get an autograph?"

"Your right!"

Lance heard them as he followed his aunt and slightly glanced at them before glancing back to his aunt who seems to be trying hard to look cool.

"Haha!" Lance chuckled and walked behind his aunt. He didn't know his aunt was this famous.

Soon they arrived at the school dean's office and was greeted by the Dean himself.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Liza. I have heard of your impressive feats at the Professional Softball League."

"No please, the pressure is mine."

The two shook before looking at Lance. Liza introduced him and said, "This is my nephew, Lance Peyn. The son of my brother Michael Peyn of Kings."

The dean's eyes brightened as he looked at Lance. "You mean of the Welcity Kings? Michael of the Welcity Kings?"


"I didn't know he had a son. Small world indeed, what a small world indeed. Nice to meet you! Lance, I am a huge fan of the father of yours."

"The pleasure is mine, sir!" Lance responded as he reached out his hands for a handshake.

The three of them sat in the office while Lance watched his aunt and the Dean discuss some things.

"Alright, I've got the gist of it." The dean nodded before looking at Lance, "Why don't you tour around the campus for a while and decide whether you'd want to enroll here."

The dean smiled at Lance and stood up, intending to escort them but the Coordinator entered the room and said, "Dean, the director is looking for you."

The dean was conflicted as he looked at Liza and Lance. He was about to take them on a tour around the campus but the director is looking for him.

"Ms. Liza, it seems like I can't guide you two around the school, I am sorry."

"No, it's alright sir."

Liza and Lance left the office and walked around the campus.

Suddenly, Liza's phone rang once again and answered it. She looked at Lance and said, "You go walk around first and I will follow."

Lance nodded and glanced at Liza who talked to the phone while looking for shade. It looked like that conversation would continue for a while so Lance went to tour first and walked towards the basketball facility the school had.

"Let us see how good this school is."