Reason of the Decision

There a 5-foot 7 tan skinned, skinny youth stood in the midst of CSH's encirclement. The crowd looked at him in bewilderment while he stood there nonchalantly looking at CSH team captain with a smile.

Lance looked at the youth from amongst the crowd and wondered what is happening. The youth clearly do not belong to this school and one can tell by looking at his jersey which has the words 'First City High' printed on it and 'Welcity' printed on the back of the jersey.

The CSH team captain glanced at the unexpected visitor and looked at his teammate. He was discussing something with the teammate.

"... I understand the situation but what I want to know is what the coach said about this."

"The coach said that he'll leave it up to you."



"What a headache. So did he bring someone else?"

The teammate looked at the smiling youth and concluded, "I don't think so."

"Ok, I'll handle this."

The CSH team captain approached the youth and politely stretched his arms forward hinting a handshake.

"I am Denis, the CSH team Captain, nice to meet you."

"Hello, the name's Fin Stee. I know its a bit sudden but I got permission from your coach to play a game with you."

While Denis felt irritated by the situation, Lance's eyes are glued unto the youth from First City High. He doesn't know why but this feeling he has been experiencing this feeling a lot this day. The guy felt really familiar as if he had already seen him before.

Lance racked his head for the reason and pondered who the youth is until he noticed the familiarity of the name. When he thought of the youth's face, tan skin, short stature, and his challenge-loving attitude, the suddenly connected and helped Lance remember who that youth is.

One word into his mind, 'Interesting...'

Denis finally said, "You do know that basketball is a team sport right?"


"Then do you have teammates to play with you?"

Fin was flustered and reddened in embarrassment, he didn't think it through. When he called the CSH's coach and got permission for the challenge he just rushed like an idiot into the enemy's territory. He had been thinking of 1v1 game all along.

Dennis smirked as if he was thinking that he nailed it. He doesn't want unnecessary trouble and thought of a way to dodge the challenge, but actually, all the reason he has was that it felt like a hassle to accept the youth's challenge and take care of whatever happens next.

"Wait- Wait! "

When he was just about to turn away, Fin jolted and caught his jersey which was by a, 'tsk' from Denis.

Everyone heard this and said, "Oh, sorry."

Lance was surprised, he didn't expect such a reaction from Denis. It even seemed like his politeness earlier was all just a facade.

Meanwhile, all of the CSH team members are wryly smiling while thinking of the same thing, "Hey captain, your true colors are showing..."

"Alright... How about this, if anyone of this crowd accepts to pair with you, I will allow a 2v2. Sound good?" Denis threw a stare as if saying, 'Let's see if anyone would like to team up you'.

Fin looked at the crowd with eyes asking for help. He looked like a restless kid when he swung his head left and right seeking for someone that would pair up with him.

Denis tapped the floor with his foot while waiting with a cunning smile.

Everyone in the crowd stepped back thinking how much of a snake their captain is while looking at his increasingly wider sneer. Whenever Fin look at one of them they would unconsciously look away, as if their membership in the CSH team is at stake.

Getting impatient Denis showed a friendly smile in front of the frantic looking Fin and said, "It looks like there is no one willing to pair up with you."

"Please, sir Denis! I came from hundreds of miles away. Please grant me even just a single game! Please!" Fin begged Denis and kneeled on the ground.

'How much of an idiot is this guy? He clearly has the coach's permission but with just a simple mind game he completely forgot that I can't do anything if he really insisted.' Denis thought while looking down on the tan-skinned youth begging him for a single game.

"I am sorry but, please leave now. We are to busy to entertain you."

When Fin heard him, he was devastated. He felt like all his effort to come in this campus are all for naught. He couldn't even play a single game.

'Ruthless!!!' This is what the crowd thought about their Captain's personality.

Suddenly, when Denis was about to leave the broken-hearted youth someone stepped forward and raised his hand. This youth is Lance himself. He decided to help Fin.

"Wait. I have decided to join him."

Denis' head darted towards Lance's direction and glared menacingly. He did not expect someone to divert from his plan. When he noticed that it was Lance, he suddenly smiled and said, "Are you sure?"

"Pretty much." Lance nodded and looked at Fin whose eyes brightened in glee.

"Alright." Denis walked away slowly and passed Becreux. "Play with them, break their heart."

Although Denis said it in a low voice, it was enough for Becreux to hear it. The tall guy snickered, "Sure."

Denis turned towards Lance and Fin. He sneered before saying, "I'll give you a chance to play 2v2. Same basketball rules but in a halfcourt. So start preparing before we start... Uhm... You two will play against this tall guy here, Becreux and our second team small forward, Dawson."

Lance tilted his head and thought, "This guy is underestimating us. Second string? Wow... How confident is he that he'll win?"

His eyes stared back at Denis' eyes and smiled before shifting his gaze away. Lance looked at the two who he and Fin will play against. Both are tall guys that easily dwarfs both of them.

"Well, who cares if their tall, right?" Lance confidently smiled. He looked at the tan-skinned youth who is already stretching his limbs, excited to play against the CSH basketball team.

"I look forward to it."