Finally in Welcity State

The airport terminal is bustling. There are many people coming to and fro from every direction you look. In the background, one can hear the airplanes taking off outside the building.

Lance is currently walking towards his flight with a small bag on his back. His legs swung in rhythm as he advances with a good cinematic view of the runway in the background.

His eyes caught sight of an airplane that is just about to take when his cellphone rung. It was was a keypad phone, Lance was actually quite uncomfortable with them as he was used to using smartphones that will only be available after 7 years from now.

He saw that it was his aunt that is calling him. He hit the answer button and placed the phone beside his ear.

[Lance! Are you at the airport now?]

"Yes, I am." Lance pointed the phone towards the window that shows the runway so that Liza can hear the sound of the airplanes.

[I am really sorry that I couldn't accompany you, Lance!]

"It's alright aunt Liza, I mean you can't just ditch a very important game, can you? Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

[Either way, it is still my responsibility as your guardian to be with you... *Yes! I'll be there just a second!*... Well, the coach is calling for me already. Take care Lance.]

"Thank you, aunt Liza."

Somehow Lance felt a little sad as he will be living away from Liza starting now. Actually, he had been under her custody for a while now, and Lance owed her a lot. She took care of him, fed him and loved him as if he was her own son.

He looked at the direction where he lived. Although he can't see past the walls, he knows that is where it is.

He bowed 90 degrees showing respect and remembered all the memories he had in this city. He is thankful.

Then, he heard an announcement about his flight that will depart after 10 minutes. He quickly hurried toward his flight with his passport and ticket in hand.


After several hours of flight, Lance looked at the window and looked down. The State of Welcity came into view.

The plane landed and Lance has finally arrived! He is now in First City Airport of Welcity State.

He smiled and inhaled the fresh air of Welcity State.

He found a cafe and ordered a sandwich and a coffee. He felt relatively hungry after the flight. He looked at his watch and saw that it is still 3 pm. He took a sip of the coffee and found it bitter.

Somehow he found himself in a daze and felt homesick already.

He saw a waitress and requested for creamer and sugar. He liked his coffee creamy and had a good balance of bitter and sweet.

He finished his sandwich and relaxed his body while watching the good view outside the airport from his seat.

"I should buy some stuff for training shouldn't I?"

After finishing his coffee, he took a taxi to the nearest mall. He immediately searched for a sports store as soon as he arrived. He saw the store and looked for a new ball.

The store had a live feed of ongoing sports action on their tv. Lance saw that it was a softball match.

"Isn't that aunt Liza?"

He saw Liza pitching in the mound with perfect form. They are somehow behind by two and Liza has to defend for two more innings.

"Yow, that southpaw closer of the Sirens are something else!"

"Although they are still behind by 2 points, I think judging by Peyn's performance for the last 5 games they might just have a chance to turn the game around."

Lance heard the customers and the store clerk talk about his aunt. Hearing their comments made him feel proud. He looked at the tv and was amazed that his aunt already struck out two batters.


He chuckled for a bit and then the sound of a bat and baseball hitting resounded from the speakers.

"Whoa!" The customers and clerk couldn't help but exclaim their surprise.

Lance was shaken, his head turned and looked at the tv and saw the fielders running for the ball while the batter for the base.

The ball reached its highest peak and started to fall. All the spectators rooting for the Sirens crossed their finger as the left fielder dash to chase the ball.

Everyone felt their hearts on top of their throats until the left fielder leaped for the catch.

Everyone felt chills as the watched girl roll multiple times for the catch. All of the spectators watching live from the stands and in front of their tv had the same question in mind and that is if the fielder caught it!


Finally, after her breathtaking performance, the fielder raised her glove and showed everyone that the ball is clenched tightly inside her glove! Suddenly, cheers broke out from the stands as the umpire stood up signaling an out which meant that Sirens defended the inning.


Lance glanced at the one who suddenly shouted in cheer before sighing in relief himself. He looked at the tv and saw his aunt smiling as they returned to the dugout.

Lance returned to choosing a ball he would use for practice. He turned towards the clerk and pointed at a ball.

"Can I try this ball?"

"Yes, you can dribble it, just keep caution not to hit the display nearby."

Lance thanked the clerk and then grabbed a ball with two hands.

He tried every different ball and found not much difference between them apart from the grip, material, and other small details. He picked the one he found harder to dribble and asked the clerk for help.


"She's good!"

The customers watching the tv exclaimed as they spectated the game.

Lance looked at what happened and found out that his aunt's team managed to make a hit and they are just a base away from a run.

"Are they going to win?" Lance thought to himself as he tried to recall what will happen in the future. Honestly, he doesn't know if they'll win this match as it was just a regular season game. But still, Lance prayed for the best for his aunt.

In the end, apart from buying a new ball he also bought a new pair of shoes, undershirt, and other things.


After buying a bunch of stuff, he felt tired and immediately took a taxi to his apartment. He had a lot of stuff to carry since instead of dropping his luggage to his apartment, he just went straight to the mall to shop.

Lance carried everything into his apartment and began to unpack.

He took the new ball he bought and placed it under beside the shoe rack. He wanted to place it near an accessible place.

Suddenly, he heard his phone rung. He returned to the living space where he left his phone.

He picked it up and saw that it was his aunt, Liza. The phone continued to ring until Lance pressed the answer key.

[Lance? How are you? Did you arrive smoothly?]

"Pretty much... I saw a glimpse of your game earlier."

[Game? Ahahaha... how unsightly, it was unfortunate that we lost. We couldn't get a single run in the remaining innings.]

"But the fact that you defended the last innings meant that you're great, Aunt."

[Flattery... Actually, I almost lost a run *sigh* thankfully the batter did not hit it too far or Naomi won't be able to catch it... Let's change the topic, so what happened?]

"Not much... Wait, why do you sound like a mother?"

[... Well, although I may not be your mom, I am still a caring aunt who cares for her precious nephew, right?]


[I won't make this long. Enjoy your stay there alright? No beer, no cigarettes and never do drugs!]

"*cough* - *cough* What kind of person do you think am I!?" Honestly, Lance felt his heart sting as he remembered his bad future self.

[Ahahaha... Just reminding. Take care alright?]

"Yes, I will."

He looked out the window, overseeing a part of the neighborhood. He saw a huge clock tower near the vicinity emphasizing the cityscape. He is now going to live in this urban city.

Somehow, Lance began to ask himself how he will live from now on. Although he was used to being alone due to the experience he had in his regrettable future, the situation is no different as he vowed to take thing differently and upright.

While looking at the sinking sun on the horizon, he made a huge sigh.


Lance snapped out from his own world as Liza continued to speak on the other end of the phone.

[Don't bring any girls home!]


'She is a genuine mom alright!' thought Lance as he almost choked hearing Liza's reminder.