How much a Giant weighs

Claude looked at the first group and subconsciously compared it to the second group.

"I don't think this group will win." he thought.

Claude held himself from sighing as to not affect the group's morale even more. But facing reality, he could not help but agree to what he thought.

In basketball, having a giant within a team makes a difference. Not only does it increase the scoring potential, but it also increases the defensive potential of a team, especially when that someone is significantly bigger than his peers.

Looking at Allan on the second team makes him thinks of an adult literally messing around with a group of small children.

Each team was given each half of the court to warm up before the game. Lance looked at everyone who begun to dribble the ball and assessed who really knows how to play.

Suddenly, after just a couple of dribbles, his teammate Gray began to shoot from 10 feet (3 meters) and missed just 3 out of ten.

Lance was impressed as what Gray did is pretty good, although there are a lot of misses Lance took into account the fact that Gray is just warming up and is still unfamiliar of the school's basketball court and hoops.

Then after a couple more shots, Gray missed less and less until he was satisfied with his shooting from 10 feet. He moved around the hoop trying to shot from different angles within the range of 10 to 15 feet (4.57m) and rarely missed!

Lance smiled and saw that Gray might be small but he sure will be a dependable teammate. He looked at Gray who just practiced his shooting without caring about others. Lance can tell that he is not showing off but is just practicing his shooting purely.

And then, Gray began to back off and started to shoot from outside.

"three?" Lance whispered and watched the ball draw an arc towards the hoop until it dropped with ringless sound, passing through the net with a splash.

"Wow..." Lance was speechless. He would have never thought that Gray would be able to shoot from a distance with his body. It isn't easy to shoot a three, it isn't easy at all. First not only do the shooter must have a good look of the hoop and follow through accuracy but also a shooter must be able to effectively apply enough force to propel the ball from such a distance.

Not to mention, Gray had just shot a pretty accurate shot from 20 feet (6m) and he is still shooting.




He hasn't missed a shot yet!

But before he can even shoot his 5th, Claude came and said, "Warm up is done. Get to the bench!"

Everyone in the team one followed Claude and sat on the bench he pointed at.

"Alright, who wants to be the first 5. You don't have to worry as everyone will get to play, the game is 48 minutes long so we will be substituting a lot."

Everyone nodded and made their choice. Some begun to raise their hands, Lance is included amongst them.

Claude counted and found that 8 wanted to play right off the bat. He sighed and said, "We will decide it with rock paper scissors. The winners get to play first and 1 out of the 4 losers get to play with the winners."

The 8 first years nodded and found their partners. Lance saw Nathan and Nathan saw him. Nathan stretched his fist while smiling.

Lance stared at the fist before doing the same thing.




"I won."


Lance grouped up with the other winners and ignored Nathan who just shouted and overreacted.

Finally, the 4 losers begun to fight off to get the chance to play.

After a couple of rounds, Nathan came out victorious. He smiled and looked at the winners who also stared at him while wryly smiling. Well, no one would have thought that he would win, even though he never threw anything other than rock all the time.

Claude and Fin distributed a set of bibs for the first years to wear. The color on the bib represents which team they belong to. The red team is dedicated to the first team and the blue bibs were worn by the second team.

Lance checked the bibs out and looked at his teammates.

This is going to be the first time he will ever play team basketball in high school.

Nathan noticed Lance and waved his hands while smiling. He showed off his bib that makes him Lance's team member.

Lance ignored his classmate and checked out his teammates.

'This looks promising.'

Their first five are Lance, himself, Nathan, Gray, Johan and Luke.

Luke looked at everyone and said, "Let's get to know each other. I am Luke, I have been playing basketball since I was in primary school. I am a part of my middle school's varsity and played as a starting small forward our team back then."

Followed by Luke, Johan looked at everyone and introduced himself, "I am Johan, 6-foot 2 inches in height... I also played in our basketball team back then but did not get to play much. I play as a forward but on this occasion..."

He looked at his teammates and continued, "I'll play as a center."

Everyone nodded and did not feel insulted.

"I am Nathan, I played basketball every time our school had sports event. That's it... As for my position, I usually play as a forward."

"My name's Gray, I am a shooting guard."

Luke looked at Gray and smiled he remembered the warm-up practice and praised, "I know! I saw you drop threes earlier, it was cool!"

Johan was somewhat surprised, he knew someone shot threes earlier but he did not think it would be Gray. He did not think much about it and just nodded.

"... I'm Lance, a point guard."

"Man of few words are we?" Luke smiled and teased Lance.

Lance just shrugged it off and smiled in reply.

And then they looked at the opposing team and saw their terrifying line-up.

Allan stood there looking down at them. He literally looked like a giant in the court.

Apart from Allan, there are two more players who are 6 feet tall. And then, Jonas stood there while jumping.

Their last player is also a former varsity player when he was in middle school.

Fin stood at the side and smiled, "This is going to interesting!"

Claude, on the other hand, predicted the end of the game, "We are gonna lose."

Everyone in the first group was intimidated. They looked at the towering figures of the second group's first five and felt like they are small.

Both teams gathered at the center court and prepared for a jump ball.

Allan and Johan stood at the middle of the court face to face. At one glance everyone can tell their height difference. 6-foot 2 versus a 6-foot 11, it is a clear difference in height.

The senior who acted as a referee took a ball and explained the jump ball.

After both parties nodded, the referee prepared to throw the ball upwards.

When the ball began to rise both of the teams' center prepared to jump until the last moment when the ball almost reached its peak.

Both center's feet left the ground and they began to reach for the ball.

Johan's eyes constricted as he watched Allan's terrifying reach who already reached the ball. He couldn't but just watch and feel awe in front of Allan's terrifying size.

The second team immediately got the ball and everyone in the first team ran to their court for defense.

Johan watched every one of his teammates and said, "Don't let anyone of them slip through!"

Jonas dribbled the ball in front of the defense before throwing it up.

Everyone from the first team was caught off guard.

"It's a pass!-" When Johan finished speaking he noticed a shadow at his left and began to defend.

Allan got through!


Allan jumped and caught the ball mid-air.

Johan did his best to defend but to no avail! Allan effortlessly hammered the ball down the hoop!


As if a gust of wind blew, everyone was swept into a daze.

Fin and Claude who was watching from the sidelines were stunned!


As easy as that! Allan scored with a dunk.

Everyone could not help but admit that this giant weighs so much that the scale of the game naturally tilts towards its advantage.

Johan landed on his feet stunned and terrified.

He looked at the ball and the hoop.

What surprised him is that Allan jumped from 8 feet (2.43m) and easily reached the rim from the distance with his long arms!

And then,

"Foul! Dunk counted!"

Lance could not help but look at the referee and be amazed, "He is a lot more dangerous than expected it seems."


Allan gained another point from the free throw and switched to defensive mode.

Lance got the ball and dribbled it down the court.

He looked for a potential place to score and for a free teammate but to no avail. He couldn't find any blind spot!

Johan began to cut in and expected a pass.

Of course, this move was noticed by the second team and began to move too.

Lance used it into his advantage and drove inside where the defense is weaker.

When he jumped he saw Allan who already arrived in front of him.

Lance Jumped and prompted a jump shot as a faint.

When Allan defended, he passed the ball to Johan who managed to slip inside the defense and jumped for a lay.

Allan reacted fast and then-



Lance could not help but inhale deeply and feel amazed.

Luckily, Nathan got the ball after Johan got blocked.

Lance frowned and observed the court. The defense is tight, it is hard to score. He looked at his teammates and whispered, "This going to be harder than expected."

As long as it is not impossible. There is a chance to win!