What it takes to be Acknowledged

"Allan! are you picking a fight?"

Claude shouted at Allan, although he made it sound like he is reprimanding his junior he is quite angry by Allan's insult. He had been playing with Fin, Baron, and the others for years and became close friends so couldn't just let the insult pass but he controlled himself, keeping his composure in mind.

Everyone else was also equally surprised and angry at Allan's remarks. And slowly walked in to but in.

Sunshine who is in the background even forgot the reason why she came to visit the team and slowly moved outside in fear to get tangled in the trouble.

"What did you say! -!?"

Baron could not hold on and intended on pushing Allan to alleviate his anger. But when his hands were about to get in contact with Allan, the first-year suddenly evaded and walked towards Fin.

Fin's teammates and the other first-year came in between and stopped Allan from his tracks.

"... So are you just going to hide behind the backs of your so-called 'teammates'?"

Fin just stared at Allan from behind and did not say anything.

Allan looked around before continuing. "Let me be frank. Your team may seem strong... yes... but only against average teams."

Allan looked at Fin and continued.

"Your talent is beyond that, so why stick with this trashes. Actually, it is just you carrying the whole team on your back this whole time. Your teamwork and play are built around as the core, I can see that at first glance.

No, let me rephrase that... Your so-called team is just dead weight and you're just letting it drag you down."


Baron suddenly stepped forward wanting to punch Allan. Out of everyone in the gym, he is the one with the highest temper so it is no wonder he wanted lush out his anger.

Claude immediately stopped him and held him down.

"Claude don't stop me! I have to punch that guy so he'd learn!"

Claude did not let go and just said, "You are not the only one angry Baron..."

"Your center, he might be a tall center but his reach is in no way high at all. He can't even dunk at his height! When against an equally tall defender he won't even be a reliable rebounder and inside scorer! No, none of you are, except for Fin! You don't even have a high field goal average even against one of your own! What else against taller players?

You have us first-years play. Although we have a lot of trash on our side too, I bet you can't even tell if you can win against us with your so-called team.

I will show you, how much of trash your teammates are."

Everyone was enraged, they looked at Allan as if they wanted to beat the guy.

Even the ones insulted are on the edge of their temper they couldn't refute the first-year's words. They know full well that they couldn't bring out Fin's full potential in every game they played. It is true that if only they are good enough, Fin won't be a no-name up to this date.

Allan suddenly turned around and went to get the ball that rolled near the bench and took it. He looked at the hoop and dribbled the ball two times before driving to the basket.

Every step of his was audible and loud, there is the weight that lingers in every stride. From the bench, with just four whole steps, he is already in the paint. Then his stride smoothly transitioned to a jump with a ball in his right, firmly held on his grip!

Bang! He dunked the ball and smashed it on the hoop! A resounding sound resounded in the gym.

When he landed on two feet, he quickly left and ignored everyone else.

Everyone who saw it was astonished. The aura of being unstoppable was fully displayed. No one can even imagine anyone who can stop him at that time. When Allan dunked, his jump seemed to even exceed his recorded jump earlier and coupled with his height and long arm he managed to bring the ball as high as two feet above the hoop!

There is hardly anyone who could stop such a dunk!

Fin just stared at the ball that Allan had just used to make the dunk.

Fin was slightly waivered but he held on as he remembered his years with his friends.

"It is not that they are weak... It is just that I am not strong enough..." Fin turned around and also left.

"Fin..." Claude looked at Fin's departing back and looked down.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the Gym's open doors and called out, "Basketball club! Your time is up. Where is Fin?"

Claude looked and saw that it was a faculty member.

"Yes, sir! We will wrap up!"

"Tch!" Baron looked at Claude and suddenly left.

The first-years suddenly felt awkward and did not know what to do.

Claude just looked at them before dismissing them.

"You can head out now, us seniors will just handle the rest. I hope you would come and join the team."

Claude bowed and joined his teammates in cleaning up.

All of the first-years started to leave.

Lance just looked at the court before sighing. He took his bag and changed clothes. When he left the Gym he noticed someone smoking who also seemed to notice him.

The man with a beard and white hair approached Lance and said, "What's your name kid?"

"..." Lance was bewildered by the man's approach. He even thought of the man being a scammer who saw him as a potential person to scam.

'Is this man a scammer? How did he get inside the school?'

The man noticed Lance's reaction and said, "Hey, I am not a scammer, alright?"


"I can see it in your face."

"Can I leave now?"

"Eh?" The man was slightly taken by a surprise of Lance's words, "If you are gonna leave, then leave! Why ask for my permission if you're just gonna ignore me!" He thought.

Lance just ignored him and walked home.

The man looked at Lance's departing back and said, "What a first impression I displayed. I completely blew my image away with that right?"

The man looked at his side where Sunshine stood with a can of soda on each hand.

"Here's your soda father."

"Oh, thank you."

Sunshine noticed Lance's back and asked her father, "Are gonna coach this team?"

"Initially, I don't but I found a lot of interesting people there. The tall guy, then those two small brats. If I can make them a team, I can only imagine how far we will go."

"Is that so? Well, I can't deny it but I think it won't be as easy as just saying it."

Sunshine remembered the times when Allan, Lance, and Fin showcased their talent. Allan was an unstoppable force but Lance managed to play against the tall guy well. Despite his size, he could even guard Allan and block the tall guy.

Then there is Fin, the nimble shorty. He can really play, he is also an unstoppable force despite his size.

If that certain center and that certain point guard and that certain small forward became teammates, how far can they go? There is no denying that Fin and Allan's playstyle are on the national level, and Lance's playmaking is very strong.