Advantage of being Big

Michelle Morrey, also known as the Big Cat, although she is called like so she is by no means big, just tall and slim. The reason she is called Big Cat is because of her dominating play despite being a female player.

She stands with a height of 6 feet 6 inches (1.98 m). She is very tall for the league, her height gave her an edge enough to look down on everyone else on the court. When she decides to score inside almost no one can stop her.

Her career is also full of color. She is a superstar who played for 9 years two championships and an MVP award. She is arguably one of the best centers there considering her physical prowess and latent skill in playing basketball.

With an average career stats of 19.5 points per game, 1.1 assists per game, 7.3 rebounds per game and 3.5 blocks per game, she was already considered one of the legends.

Like Lance, Allan also has a parent who was once a professional basketball player so it is a given that he should have inherited good traits from his mother.

And alas, he wasn't a disappointment. In his middle school, he wasn't as tall as he is now but he is tall, although not the tallest in his school he was 5 foot 6 at that time. Only when in his third year in middle school did his height suddenly grow at an unprecedented rate.

Now with shoes on, he is already very tall with a height reaching 7 feet which even in the league standards are very tall already.

Kevin Morrey, Allan's uncle couldn't help but remember his sister when Allan looked at Lance while on the court.

"Let's decide the first possession with a coin toss. I'm 'heads'"

Allan showed a coin in his hand and tossed it in the air. While the coin is still in mid-air Allan looked at Lance and said, "Don't disappoint me."

Though not loud, it was still audible. Lance heard it and subconsciously looked at Allan's cold piercing look. Chills began to run down his spine as he recognized Allan's gaze.

"This kid! He is looking down on me!" Lance thought in his mind while he subconsciously gave a dry laugh.

Lance knows exactly what Allan's look means. It is as if he is a predator looking at his prey.

When the coin landed on tails Allan chuckled a little before giving Lance the ball.

"Your possession."

"First 11 points and you know the rest."

Lance nodded and looked at the ball in his hands before looking at Allan once again.

Allan also looked at him and played defensive while on the Lane. He stretched his hands and looked at Lance as if telling him to come and try to score.

"Let's see what you've got." Allan thought to himself while looking at Lance's small stature. Although small Allan felt like Lance has something interesting he felt like lance isn't a normal player at all. He knows it especially at the time during the tryout that is when he noticed Lance's game.

"Tell me is it Luck or real skill?" Allan mumbled as he recalled how Lance manipulated the game that should have had been one-sided in Allan's favor during the tryout game.

After a few seconds later, Lance started to dribble the ball and looked at the court.

Allan waited as Lance surveyed the court with his eyes. He took the game seriously as he knows that Lance is not simple at all.

When Lance looked at the court a different image comes into his mind, unlike other players he has a different perception of the court. He can instantly see places with free points and the holes in the defense, lastly, he has a special that can sense the defensive range of the opponent.

He looked at Allan once again before dribbling at a higher pace. He dribbled to the left and to the right and back to the left to see how Allan would react.

Finally, Lance decided to go on the attack. He feinted to the left before suddenly changing direction.

In the corner of his eyes, he saw Allan react and lag behind when he suddenly changed direction so he took the ball and drove it down the right-wing. And just as he was about to plant his feet he felt something.

Chills suddenly crept in his spine as he subconsciously took a step back and a shot. Just as the ball left his fingers he saw Allan's hand almost there to block the shot, only if he did not take a step-back he'd have a blocked shot due to Allan's fast defense.

Kevin who is watching in background whistled as he saw how Lance reacted in time and got out of the defensive range.

"Good kid! He reacted fast! but..."

He looked at the ball which is slightly off course and barely hitting the rim.

"Blocking is not the only way of defending, contesting the shot is already good enough."

Lance looked at the ball as it ricocheted to the ground after hitting the rim.

Allan looked at him after the ball missed and frowned.

He took the ball and said, "Turn over."

Allan walked outside the perimeter while dribbling the ball slowly. As his feet left the three-point arc he turned around and looked at Lance. His deep black eyes looked at Lance as if inviting him to defend.

Lance subconsciously gulped and moved forward to defend.

Allan suddenly pounded the ball and charged to the right.

Lance reacted quickly and moved forward to defend and keep Allan from scoring. But when Allan stretched his legs and took a stride he quickly passed Lance in that instant and held the ball with two hands.

"So fast!" Lance thought as he tried to stretch his hands towards Allan's back but failed to even touch him.

Allan may seem fast but not because he is agile. Being fast is just an illusion of him moving in a great distance taking a single long stride that a small guy like Lance would need a couple of strides.

In the next second, Allan jumped and slammed the ball into the hoop with an astounding bang!


Kevin who was looking at Allan couldn't help but feel astonished by his dunk.

1 point!

He had already scored in his first possession and Lance couldn't even defend against it.

"1 down, ten points to go."

Allan slowly walked outside the three-point arc and looked at Lance.

"Hand the ball over."

His large hands stretched forth while looking at Lance with his cold menacing gaze.

Lance just stood there and did not move for a moment. He looked at the ball and took it with two hands.

After taking a short moment he passed the ball and stretched his hands forward to defend.

"Try to stop me!"

Allan suddenly moved and dribbled the ball in fast motion his hands whipped every time he dribbled it. He looked at lance before crouching and bending his knees to attack! He seemed no different than a tiger that is about to pounce the hoop.

As he moved forward Lance quickly stepped forward in response with hands up.

Allan, with his long limbs, stretched his arm forward to keep Lance at Bay. Lance tried to follow but couldn't even get any closer. Allan's arm blocked him from going closer.

A smirk suddenly crept on Allan's face as he pounded the ball two times before taking a long stride.

"Disappointing! You can't even defend against me!"

Just like earlier, Lance tried to keep but Allan suddenly planted his foot and changed directions. Lance could not stop moving in the opposite direction which created a space where Allan can freely attack the rim.

Lance could only watch as Allan effortlessly scored another bucket.





The sound of the ball bouncing freely occupied Lance's mind as he fell in a daze.

Kevin who is watching the game could not help but sigh. After watching the game for a little he noticed that the game wasn't even a friendly game.

"What has have become of Allan?"

He knows. Looking at Allan's expression, he knows that Allan is simply dismantling Lance in the game.

Allan is a class of his own!

His height alone is already a strong weapon!

Kevin could not help but gulp in speechlessness. Slowly while looking at Allan's back he could not help but remember his sister. Although the mother and son duo had a completely different skill set, they exude the same aura of dominance.

Then, Kevin's eyes shifted towards Lance's direction. He looked at the young man who just lost two points consecutively.

Actually, he does not really think Lance will win because of the sheer height difference of the two but he kind of and sincerely hoped that the kid's confidence won't be thoroughly crushed and unrepairable because of this.

"What's this? Are you done?"

Allan looked at Lance who stood in the paint unmoving.

'Did I overestimate you?'

Tsk, he couldn't help but click his tongue as he found the game disappointing.

'Is this all you got?'

Finally, Lance moved and passed the ball but he seemed like he is not going to defend anymore. He just stood in the paint while leaving many holes to be taken advantage of.

'Have you given up?' Allan thought as he looked at Lance who did not even move closer to defend.

Actually, it wouldn't really make a difference for Allan. Ever since he got his tall stature, a lot of players in his age group already struggled to compete with him. His sheer size became more than enough to defeat them and crush their confidence.

When you ask passersby who will win between a 5-foot 7 (1.7 m) player and a 6-foot 11 (2.11 m) player, they would unanimously bet on the 6-foot 11 inches tall player because of his size.

Because of his height, his scoring potential became great.

Because of it, he became defensively strong.

Because of it, he can become unstoppable.

If Lance really gave up, that is normal. Who would have the confidence to defeat and play against someone more than a foot taller than him in the first place?

But Allan just felt disappointed as he expected so much from this game when Lance is just gonna give up.

Yes, he did challenge Lance in the game to show his dominance and crush him in the end but he only challenged Lance because Lance seemed to be not an ordinary player.

There is no fun if Lance just gave up and gave him an easy game.

Allan invited Lance to play because he seemed strong in the first place. That is why he felt extremely disappointed when Lance stopped defending.

Suddenly, Lance looked up and met Allan's gaze.

Allan's eyes dilated as Lance's eyes isn't one that looked like he has given up. He is still alive.

Suddenly the air changed as a different aura cloaked Lance. He seemed like a different person.

As if a burst of air breezed past Allan's skin coming from Lance's gaze, his hair started to stand on its end giving him goosebumps. He felt slowly climbing his spine as he looked at Lance's deep black eyes!

'Something is coming for sure!'

Lance bent his knees and leaned forward with his arms stretched outwards. He looked at Allan with eyes ready to defend.

Allan couldn't help but feel elated, 'Show me!'

He does not know why but despite Lance's small stature he is exuding a different aura that is enough to make Allan feel chills and make his hair stand.

It is strange given that Allan has been the one attacking and dominating all this time. Allan is a giant while Lance is far too small to compare but why does the predator have to feel threatened while facing his prey.

This is something Allan couldn't understand but this is not the first time he felt something like this. He also felt it back in the tryout and other than Lance he also knows another one who can give him chills like what he is feeling right now.

"I know you also have it in you!"

The genius Fin Stee. He is small but he has enough to be called a monster! His aura also gave him chills when he watched him play and Lance seems to have the same aura as that monster.

'Tell me why I am getting chills from looking at you!'