Let's do my best.

A week and a half later, Lance caught a ball and drove towards the rim for a layup. After him, another first-year drove from the lane towards the hoop.

The first years were tasked to practice the basics of scoring and footwork. Just like that, they took turns and obediently waited for their turns.

When Lance returned to the line Nathan nudged him and snickered. He looked at Lance's leg and pointed it out.

"Your leg finally got better?"

Lance nodded at Nathan and smiled. He looked at his knees and felt lighter. Although it is still covered with thick bandages, it is better than not being able to move it.

Actually, 4 days ago, the doctor already told him that he could move it but he should be careful and not to hurt it. He began to take a walk again the next morning to rehabilitate his knee. Now he can move without any complications.


The first years suddenly exclaimed. Lance and Nathan could not help but look at why.

They saw Allan landing on his feet after laying up the ball.

Although Lance and Nathan were too late to see what happened, they heard what happened while eavesdropping on the first years who saw what happened.

"He is really tall!"

"Did you see his hands? Why does it feel like laying up the ball for him is useless? He just jumped lightly and his hands were already over the rim!"

"Ah! He should have just dunked it!"

"Why do I feel like I am frustrated?"

Lance chuckled at the first year's chatter and saw that it was Gray's turn next. Gray is the smallest member of the freshmen and everyone knows that he is good at shooting from a distance better than anyone in the club.


He drove and tripped losing the ball in the process as well as the chance for the layup.

When it comes to inside scoring, he might just be the wimpiest.

"Well considering his height, he is limited only to a battlefield with the least defenses. It is actually his best shot to shoot from a distance that is why he is good at it."

Lance nodded at Nathan's words and watched the other players lay up.

On the other side of the court, the seniors are also doing their training. Each of them, all of the seniors are taking the training seriously and spared no time to become better.

No one even dared to slack off.

They want to become stronger and play better so that when the inter-high comes, they won't be eliminated in the 3rd round like last year.

The new coach, Leonard has shown them that they can play even better.

With that, they, the seniors, have found confidence within themselves that just maybe, maybe they can win the district division or even the city division with the coach's coaching when the inter-high comes.

But apart from that reason, there is another reason that keeps them motivated.

Some of the seniors glanced on the other side of the court where the first year's are doing their routine.

The coach's words are still fresh in their ears.

"Your varsity team is no more. Don't you dare slack because if you are a senior member, you may even lose your position to the first years! This month I will be watching you, and by the end of it I will see who will be chosen to be a part of the new team."

This the reason why most of the seniors are working harder than usual because they can feel pressure from the first years. Especially this year, the freshmen have great players that can really play.

There is Allan, the tallest man in the whole club. He is nimble and athletic despite his lean physique. Once he got inside the lane, he becomes unstoppable.

Then, there Lance who has average height but has great eyes in looking for a scoring opportunity. Not to mention, he is good at shooting, driving, and passing. Not to forget, he got some freakish legs at his beck that enables him to jump as high as 40 inches from the ground.

Alongside those two, there is Nathan that looked like an ordinary player but has some defensive IQ that can rival the seniors, there is Jonas who seems infinitely energetic, amongst the freshmen he is the most athletic. There is also Gray who once you forgot to contest, he will rarely miss his shots.

The freshmen are full of budding talents that could threaten the senior's opportunity to be a part of the main team!

In the background, Leonard looked serious while overseeing everyone and occasionally shouting when scolding someone who made a mistake. But under his facade, he could not help but grin in delight.

The seniors who are feeling threatened are training more often while the First years who want to join the main team are also improving. Because of this pressure, the selection of the team roster is going to be tough.

He can't even imagine who will be chosen apart from a few strong candidates.

Suddenly, a sophomore came and ran towards Leonard.

"Sir, the director is looking for you."

"Is he? Ok, I'll meet him."

Leonard looked at everyone in the court, he saw Claude and shouted, "Claude, while I am gone I want you to facilitate the club. Punish all the slackers."

Claude nodded and returned to train.

Leonard nodded and looked at the Sophomore.

"Let's go."

The coach left but everyone did not mind. They did their part and slacking off did not even cross their mind.

The court was filled with overlapping sounds of dozens of balls. They trained even when they were already panting and catching their breath. They would only take a rest when it is time and would train immediately when rest time is over.

According to the prepared routines the club trained and continued until it is 5 pm. The coach never came back but despite his absence, Claude did not even need to facilitate the club because everyone obediently obeyed the plans regiment.

"... I can really see the club changing."

Fin smiled while looking at everyone who is sprawled all over the ground exhausted and tired. Some of them could not even get up.

Even Lance is one of them who can't move anymore. He is one of the freshmen with the weakest stamina so it is not a surprise. Even Gray is in better shape than him.

Allan took a ball and decided to dunk. He could jump but because of exhaustion, it wasn't as high as his usual.

The ball went into the hoop and fell into the ground.

While breathing heavily, he stood there with his fist clenched tight.

Only after a moment did their coach Leonard return. He had his hands on his pocket when looked around the court. He saw Claude resting and had him come over to him.


At this point, there is no doubt that they acknowledge Leonard as their Coach. Claude looked at Leonard and greeted him with respect.

"Training is over, you can pack up and go home..."

He looked at the gymnasium again before he continued, "Remember to clean up the place and return tomorrow. Same time, late members will have to run around the gymnasium for an hour straight."

Claude nodded and proceeded to deliver the coach's words to every member of the club.

Everyone immediately picked up all the balls and returned them to the rack. Some members even began to clean up and mop the floor.

Soon, everyone finished cleaning up the Gym and got changed before going home. It is already dark outside but this is all a part of a highschooler's experience.

Lance walked home while feeling the fatigue take over his body.

He looked at the long road and sighed. Thankfully, his way home is well lit and full of people so safety is not a problem.

When he arrived in front of the apartment building he saw the guard and said his greetings.

He went upstairs and arrived at his apartment. He opened the door and closed it shut.

He dropped his bag in the doorway because of exhaustion. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge.

There he found his meal.

Still raw...

With a groan, he opened the pantry and took a loaf of bread. He ate it as his dinner along with a glass of milk.

He stared at his glass.

"I have to make bones stronger... This is not childish or anything right?"

Having a body of a teenager despite having a soul of almost thrice his age, Lance found it troublesome. He can even feel his youth get to him and affect his decision sometimes.

He doesn't really care though.

He looked at the clock and checked the time.

He finished his meal and took a shower.

He dropped on his bed and relaxed his body. He can feel his muscles still tingling due to fatigue but he has to bear with it. He can't really complain, it was his choice in the beginning.

"Another day of the youth I once wasted..."

He closed his eyes and slept.




His alarm clock rang and woke him up. He moved his body around and felt that he is feeling a lot better than last night.

He wore his jumpsuit and began his daily routine. This time he can now jog a longer distance than before.

He went back home and took a shower.

He cooked his breakfast and enjoyed it before preparing to go to school.

With his uniform on he left his home and closed the door. He saw his neighbor and greeted them politely.

On his way to school, he saw the bright cloudy sky and watched it move while walking. The sound of the busy streets are audible, people talking to each other left and right.

It is just another morning for him.

He heard a piece of music and felt nostalgic about it. He bobbed his head and slid his feet along the beat. He followed the rhythm even when the music is gone. In his head, it replayed again and again. Images of his life before that is associated with the music came back to him.

He looked at the sky and finally sighed.

He arrived at the school and got there early. He went to their classroom and saw that only a few of his classmates are present.

He bowed at them showing his greetings and went to his seat.

He opened his textbook and began to read them leaned back and focused on the content while waiting for the class to start.

Time moved like a breeze, as usual, Nathan talked to him often.

Their math teacher called Lance who is looking outside.

"Mister Peyn, can you help me solve this problem, please?"

The old man squinted at Lance whom he caught not paying attention to his class.

Lance nodded and stood up. Although he may not look like it, he is actually a smart guy, coupled with his mature thinking, once he heard something it won't take long for him to understand it.

He reads his textbooks and reviews his quizzes. He is not like your average student who cares about how to pass.

In Lance's case, he doesn't dare waste his youth anymore. Whether it is in sports or his studies. He had already decided to use it to become the best he could.

Lance wrote his answers on the board and shocked his teacher and classmates. He has always been the kind who is silent in class so they did not expect that he could answer it.

But of course, the one who is most shocked is his teacher because the topic question he had Lance answer is not yet taught to the class and is actually hard for normal students to understand by themselves. Being able to answer it means, Lance do study his subjects.

"G- Good... It is correct. You may go back."

The old man smiled and looked at Lance. He felt satisfied that someone is taking his studies seriously.

"Alright let me explain how he did it..."

While the teacher is speaking, Lance looked ou the window and watched the clouds. He listened to his teacher and felt refreshed.


When the class is over, most of the students had already left and gone home, except for the few who had clubs and other tasks to do.

Lance quickly changed to his PE attire and went to the Gymnasium. It is still early so it is still used by the other clubs.

And then the other members started to come. The seniors also appeared and finally when it is time the Gym and the court were vacated for the basketball club's use.

Leonard also arrived with Claude and Fin.

At the sight of them, everyone immediately fell in line and looked at the coach. Lance saw Nathan, Gray, Jonas, and Allan beside him along with the other freshmen of the club.

Then he looked at Fin and Claude who is still discussing something with the coach. He does not know what it is but they seemed more serious than usual.

Lance expected some news related to the club.

Leonard looked at them with a smile and cleared his throat. In front of him, everyone is attentive and ready to listen.

"Alright, before we start I have something to announce!"

His next words held a significant weight to the future of the club.