Chubby Bunny

"I have arrived!"

A tall woman strolled along with the terminal with her high heels on. While dragging her luggage she walked with groove and swung her hands in rhythm.

"♪ Humm Humm Humm! ♫"

She walked across a shop and saw her appearance. She was dressed in a casual white dress with a hat and sunglasses on.

Her rosy lips and smiled at her reflection. Despite wearing large sunglasses on, it could not hide her beauty and her white skin which exude a hint of a rosy glow.

She tried to peek inside the shop and saw what's inside. It was a cafe but it is not what caught her attention. Her eyes looked at the giant parfait that was served by a waiter.

She couldn't help but lose her elegant grace and drool at the dessert.

Looking left and right before checking her watch. When she that it is still early she decided to take a break before heading to her destination.

She looked in a certain direction and smiled.

"I am a little early and ahead of schedule. He will surely be surprised! But before that..."

She looked at the cafe once again.

"Let me try their specialty! Hehe!"

Liza took her luggage and entered the cafe. The first thing she ordered was the parfait and completely forgot that she hasn't eaten anything yet.


Dozing off the class, Nathan just looked at the front bored with his hand supporting his chin. On his other hand, he fiddled with his pen and spun in it around his fingers effortlessly.

Lance read his textbook while the teacher is talking. In the whole class, Lance is one of the few who is focused on the lecture.

At the back seat, Allan is still as a stone. He looked like he is all ears to the lecture apart from the fact that he is snoozing while sitting upright. Soon, he snored lightly and surprised the students around him.

Soon they chuckled while looking at Allan. It would have been perfect if he did not snore else no one would have had noticed him sleeping in class. Now, even with his eyes wide open, everyone knew that he is dozing off.

Of course, the teacher, Diane, noticed him and threw a stick of chalk at him that cruised in speed and whistled through the air. Literally, everyone heard the chalk fly squarely to Allan's forehead.


Allan woke up and held his forehead in pain. He did not know what happened and saw traces of chalk when he looked at the hand that touched his forehead.


His eyes subconsciously looked forward and saw the beautiful teacher glaring at him. Although the teacher looked cute while wearing a frown, Allan couldn't help but feel a malicious intent heading towards.

He trembled and felt chills in his spine. Cold sweat also appeared on his forehead.

The teacher spoke, "You dare sleep in my class?"

Despite her beautiful and elegant appearance, it seemed like what is hidden under her face is a demon burning in anger.

Suddenly, the bell rang signifying the end of classes. Diane looked towards its direction subconsciously and looked at the class, "Everyone can now leave."

She looked at Allan and spoke in a deep voice, "You, come with me."

Allan heard it and did not respond. He looked at Diane and did not move.


Allan replied, "Club."

Diane smiled hideously.

"It can wait."

Allan trembled once again and almost peed his pants. He did not know why but he felt afraid of the teacher.

Lance and Nathan dumbfoundedly watched Allan follow Diane to the faculty helplessly and obediently.

Nathan looked at Lance with a mix of surprise and doubt on his face, "Am I dreaming?... was that?"

Lance nodded at Nathan.

"So he does have that kind of side too."

Nathan laughed and held his stomach. It was surely a surprise to see the all-the-time-cold Allan appear frightened. To be honest he looked like a small kitten staring at a lioness back then, despite his tall figure.

Lance just smiled and tapped Nathan's back.

He gestured that he is going outside and began to walk.

Nathan just looked at his departing back until someone shouted, catching everyone's attention.

"Hayo!!! A message from Sir Leonard! Basketball Club Members don't be late! That's all!"

Sunshine suddenly appeared in the doorway and shouted. Everyone was surprised by her as she quickly left for another class as soon as she was done with her announcement.

"What did she say?"

"Who was that?"

It took Nathan a moment before the message was processed.

"Wait, WHAT!?"

Nathan quickly took his things and fixed his desk and chair before dashing out of the class.

From the classroom, everyone chuckled as they heard Sunshine shout the same message once again to the neighboring class.

While everyone was amused at Sunshine's action, Nathan is frantic and went back to his desk to get his notes that he had almost forgotten.

After taking the restroom, Lance walked back slowly to the class while wiping his hands with his handkerchief.

"Hayo!!! A message from Sir Leonard! Basketball Club Members don't be late! That's all!"

Lance heard the announcement as Sunshine shouted at another class, he did not bother to confirm the announcement and looked at the time.

"There's not much time?"

He hastened his steps and passed by everyone in the hallway. He weaved left and right nimbly but ultimately brushed against someone's shoulder unintentionally.

He stopped on his steps and was about to turn around but did not look back anymore when he remembered the time.


He shouted without looking back.

Sunshine was surprised and touched the shoulder that brushed against Lance. When she noticed how Lance did not even look back she instantly pointed her finger.

"Hey! How rude of you- Geh?"

When she recognized the figure of the one who bumped her she remembered the day when she threw a pail of water by accident.

Lance arrived at his classroom and met with Nathan who is also about to exit the class in a hurry.

"Lance! Your bag!"

Nathan handed a bag over to Lance.


Nathan smiled and said, "Welcome! Now, we have to hurry."


"Come on!"

Nathan quickly ran and left Lance who just recalled the announcement.

"Hey! Wait up!"


"Haa... Haa..."

Lance and Nathan watched the seniors and first years who came late as they ran around the gymnasium while panting heavily. They couldn't help but smile wryly while thanking the heavens that they did not come late.

"Look! It's Allan... *sigh* Thankfully, we came early or else we would have run amongst them and Allan. Look at how sweaty and exhausted he is!"

Nathan spoke but did not laugh like he usually does. He couldn't help but feel emphatic.

He looked at the coach and shook his head.

"A strange coach indeed."

Lance looked at where Nathan is looking and saw Allan enjoying a shake while sitting on his chair comfortably while wearing a summer vacation clothing.

"Isn't he too relaxed?"

Lance chuckled.

He turned around and grabbed Nathan.

"Huh? Hey! Wait!"

He dragged him to their group and made him sit on the floor.

Lance looked at everyone who would soon become his teammates in this coming city tournament held by Kien.

A senior spoke up and said, "Since we are all here except for some who are currently being punished, I think we should start our meeting. Honestly, this is my second year here and this the first time I heard this kind of arrangement. My seniors back then were not given this kind of task before."

Everyone looked at him and nodded. They trusted his words as the oldest of the group.

Lance glanced towards the coach who told them to group up for the day and use the time to get to know the teams.

'He told us the director demanded it... It seems like the director is investing a lot in this club this year.'

Another teammate spoke up and said, "Still, isn't this going to be tough? I heard everyone, who joins Kien is really good. I don't think we will rank high. I reckon we would even be eliminated in the first round."

"Hey! Don't be negative!"

Nathan spoke with a carefree look and waved his hands.

Seeing Nathan's reaction everyone lowered their heads. They don't feel optimistic about it.

Lance stretched his legs and relaxed them. He wondered what will he experience in this tournament.

"The difficulty aside! Let's talk about the name... *sigh* It just doesn't sit right..."

A senior spoke while hesitating on talking to the coach about it.

"Well! Let's just ask!"

Everyone looked at him as he was about to stand but stopped when they heard someone ask about it to the coach.

At that instant and very moment, the court became quiet as everyone looked at a senior and the coach talking.

"... Sir, can we change the name?"

"No!" The coach immediately replied without looking at him.


"No means no. If I ever hear any complaints again, I will automatically cross your name and your team members' name to the varsity selection list."

He suddenly became silent and did not speak anymore. He quietly returned to his group while everyone fell into despair.

Lance looked at his teammates and all of the other groups. He knew what they are thinking about and understand why they thought so.

'Chubby Bunny'

That is their team name. All of them could not help but imagine how embarrassing to wear that name in a tournament.

Soon, Allan finally came after running around the gym. He was soaking wet in sweat and completely exhausted. Everyone in the group saw him and thanked God once again that they were not late.

The eldest suddenly cleared his throat and spoke.

"Since Allan is here, we are complete. There are 10 of us here and I assume that I am the oldest."

Everyone listened to him and nodded.

"As the senior here let me take the responsibility of being the captain of the group then."

Looking at each other no one voiced out their objection and nodded in unison. They shared the same thought as the oldest of the group surely deserved to be their leader.

"Now, let us proceed. I will first introduce myself and I hope you will introduce yourself the way I would."

He looked at everyone and took note of everyone's expression.

"*Ahem* Once again, my name is Kingsley. I am a sophomore and a senior member of the club for our freshmen here..."

Kingsley introduced himself and looked at his teammates.

"I hope we get along!"