Chubby Bunny 3

"Where is this?"

"An old factory building?"

"Well, I do seem to hear rims and balls clashing from inside."

While the sophomores and the freshmen are talking to themselves Allan came up to the metal door and knocked heavily.


After knocking three times Allan took a step back and placed his hands in his pockets. Everyone looked at him and watched him stand in front of the door.

"Is he trying to get in trouble!?"

When the others saw what Allan jut did they felt like trouble is gonna happen. Everyone is kind of waiting for something to happen but time passed by with nothing happening. A moment passed and when you are watching Allan you'll notice him tapping his left foot impatiently.

Suddenly, Allan's foot came and kicked the metal door hard and then shouted.

"KEVIN!!! Open the door!"

'Did he just kick and shout?'

Everyone was scared and surprised by his actions. No one expected him to suddenly go off in impatience.

Lance smiled wryly at Allan's rudeness and shook his head.

Soon the metal door could be heard being unlocked from the inside and hinged open slowly. A huge frowning man revealed himself which is coupled by the dark background brought chills to Kingsley and the others.

Kevin wore a frown and saw the group Kingsley and the others. With his height and bulging body, he looked like a huge bear hungry for prey.

At this moment, everyone other than Lance and Allan who know Kevin let their thoughts run wild.

Feeling the chills on their spines, an imaginary streak of blood came out of the corner of their mouth.

'I am sorry God, I have sinned a lot... I hope I could enter heaven!'

'We are seriously getting ourselves killed by Allan's actions!'

'Should I run?'

Everyone had different impressions of Kevin. A gangster, wrestler, killer, and many more.

Lance looked at them with a glance and found them stunned in place with their knees shaking non-stop.

"Oh, its Allan!"

Kevin finally noticed Allan and wiped his frown off his face. He was really upset that somebody tried to cause a ruckus in his doorstep and even shouted his name rudely but when he saw Allan he instantly forgot the issue.

Allan turned around and looked at his teammates while ignoring his smiling uncle.

"Let's go in."


Everyone saw the change in Kevin's expression and realized that Kevin and Allan seem to know each other. Still, they did not dare to make a move and stayed in place.

Allan sighed and said, "Don't waste my time."

"Hey, not even a hug for your uncle?"

Allan glanced at his uncle with eyes full of disgust.

"You're creepy."

"Geh- I am your uncle!"

Ignoring his uncle, Allan once again looked at the others and gestured them to move.

"Get in."

He turned around and started to walk inside.

Lance moved forward and greeted Kevin who is watching Allan's back.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kevin."

"Oh, it has been a week, right? How's your knee?"

Lance looked at his leg and showed Kevin that it has healed up.

Kevin patted Lance on his shoulder and said, "Good! Next time be careful alright?"

Lance nodded and smiled. He looks at the others and gestured them to come. Everyone looked at him if it was okay and looked at Kevin's hulking figure who is smiling at them.

"Are they with you and Allan?"

Lance nodded and smiled.

Kevin brightened up to see that his nephew has many friends now. It is actually the first time he saw his nephew bring friends with him.

"You are Allan's friends, right? Get in, feel free to use one of the courts today. You came to play basketball, right?"

Kingsley and the looked at each other before walking slowly inside the building with Lance and Kevin. When they got inside, the sound of basketballs being dribbled and shot became louder and clearer.

They walked along the hallway with Kevin in the lead. After the dark entrance, everything else was well lit. The vintage accent of the red brick walls looked cool along with the faded graffitis on the wall.

Finally, they arrived at the main Gym.

"Wow, this place is huge."

Kevin smiled and proudly stood beside the group.

"There are people playing today but you came at the right time. There is one more court that is free. Come, follow me."

Kevin walked them to the court and introduced the place. While walking, he proudly bragged about the gym and told some stories about it.

"How come I never heard of this place?"

Kingsley asked.

Kevin smiled and said, "We usually tend only those who are a member of the gym. So it figures that you haven't heard of this place."

Looking around, Gray looked at the people who are playing and every ball on the ground. He missed no details and checked every part of the Gym.

The court was well built.

The hoops are all well maintained.

The balls are all new.

The whole place is well lit and it is in no way dark but really bright despite the fact that the whole place is enclosed.

He noticed the banner and the name of the place and saw two letters in its logo.


Kevin looked at Gray since the small kid seems to know something.

"Does it stand for Kevin and Michelle?"

The big man chuckled and looked at Gray. "You've heard of this place?"

Gray nodded and pointed at the banner with the place's logo.

"I believe this place was established by the two siblings in the logo. As far as I remember, Kevin was a former professional minor league star player..."

Listening to Gray, Lance looked at Kevin with a surprised look as he never heard of him being a professional player even if it is just a minor league.

Kevin noticed Lance while listening to Gray and smiled.

"... And then he had a sister who was a former women's league champion and all-time-great!"

Kevin chuckled and patted Gray's shoulder and said, "You are well informed!"

Gray's eyes widened as he never thought that this is the very place that the community of the First city regarded as an urban Legend.

"So it wasn't an urban legend?"

"Hahaha! Of course, it is not!"

"Whoa! This place has that kind of history?"

"How come I have never heard of this place?"

Kevin savored the group's reaction and just laughed. He pointed at the court they can freely use and where they could change and take a shower before he left them.

"Now that we have a place to practice, we should savor it to the fullest!"



The 10 members of the Chubby bunny gathered with Kingsley in the middle.

"Now that we are ready, do you still remember what freshman told us about ourselves?"

Kingsley looked at everyone and saw them nod. He smiled and also nodded in return.

"Why wouldn't we take what he said seriously?"

Kingsley turned at the one who spoke.


Name: Freete

Position: Forward Guard (FG)

He was once a varsity player back in his middle school. He took advantage of his height and strong body to score points.

Weapon: Hook shot

Strength: Inside defense, Inside offense

Weakness: perimeter defense, longer-range offense

Height 6'2" (189cm)

Weight 185lbs (84kg)


Freete began to stretch his joints. He flexed his wrist, knee, and elbow and looked at Kingsley.

He looked at Gray who is holding a ball in his hands.

"Knowing our weaknesses and strengths are important after all." Freete continued as jogged in place.

A hand moved and patted his shoulder which made Freete jolt away in surprise...

"Stuart! you surprised me!"

"My bad." Stuart chuckled and continued, "I agree with him."

Name: Stuart

Position: Center (C)

A Sophomore who was included in the Varsity team as one of the relief centers and bench players. He has good defensive capabilities.

Weapon: Tip in and Rebound

Strength: Inside defense, Perimeter defense

Weakness: Shooting

Height: 6'5" (196cm)

Weight: 215lbs (97kg)

"... I mean don't you agree?"

His eyes looked at the one in his right who is playing with his shoes.

Seeing that the other party did not hear him, Stuart flicked Ronnie in the forehead without holding back.

"Ouch!!! What did you do that for?"

Everyone laughed in sync looked at Ronnie.

Name: Ronnie

Position: Guard (G)

He is Stuart's classmate who is also a competitive guard in the team.

Weapon: mid-range shooting.

Strength: good offensive IQ and strong stamina

Weakness: Overall defense

Height: 5'9" (175cm)

Weight: 148lbs (67kg)

Kingsley smiled and thought that the team seems to be strong overall.

He looked at the first-years and knew that most of the promising freshmen are in the team. Somehow he felt excited thinking how the team will perform in the tournament with this kind of line up.

He knows that although he is rude and cold, Allan is someone that can become a strong pillar in the tournament.

He can vividly remember the sheer dominance of Allan in the court.

Name: Allan

Position: Forward Center (FC)

He might be slim and thin but he is an aggressive attacker, strong inside scorer and a strong inside defensive player. With his height alone, he can dominate most of the players he might come against.

Weapon: Dunks

Strength: Inside defense and Inside Offense

Weakness: Shooting

Height: 6' 11" (211cm)

Weight: 182 lbs (83kg)

Then, Kingsley looked at Lance who might be the only freshman who can rival Allan's dominance. He might be small but Kingsley knew that the kid is someone that can't be underestimated.

Name: Lance

Position: Point Guard (PG)

Everyone knows that he is an all-around player with strong playing insight. He is also a strong offensive scorer and support who can play good defensive plays.

Height: 5'7" (170cm)

Weight: 124lbs (56kg)

Weapon: mid-range shooting.

Strength: Overall offensive IQ and good perimeter defense. High vertical jumps.

Weakness: Short and Weak stamina

Finally, there are the freshmen guards of the team.

The athletic shooting guard, Jonas...

Name: Jonas

Position: Shooting Guard (SG)

He has strong stamina, spirit, and body. He is one who enjoys the game to its fullest.

Height: 5'11" (180cm)

Weight: 146lbs (66kg)

Weapon: mid-range shooting.

Strength: Overall offensive IQ

Weakness: Passing ability

The noisy mouth, Nathan...

Name: Nathan

Position: Guard (G)

The all-around player that is best at offense.

Height: 5'9" (175cm)

weight: 133lbs (60kg)

Weapon: Handling

Strength: Offensive IQ

Weakness: Perimeter Defense

Kingsley looked at the one who gave them the data about the team and felt strange about the small kid.

Gray also stood out in his unusual talent in observation and knowledge.

He is the tiny sharpshooter, Gray...

Name: Gray

Position: Shooting Guard (SG)

Height: 5'4" (163cm)

Weight: 95lbs (43kg)

Weapon: Long-range shooting

Strength: Strong shooting capabilities

Weakness: Everything else...

Kingsley stared at Gray for a moment and thought, "He really chose that path where he can be useful... But it would be great if he is good at not only shooting but at somethings too."

"... Excuse me, do you know where the restroom is?"

Someone in the group asked.

"Eh? Who are you?"

Kingsley looked at the one beside him who spoke.

"How rude Captain! I am Tony! Your teammate."

While what he said is still being someone shouted his disbelief and caught everyone's attention.


Kingsley and the other's looked at Gray worriedly.

"Gray, what's wrong?"

"... You..."

Gray moved forward. He slowly raised a hand to point at Tony.

"How come? ... Who are you?"

Tony was also surprised and kind of pissed. He held his fist down and tried to act calmly.

"Me? I am your classmate idiot!"


"Well, it's not like this is the first time no one noticed me. No wonder you never talked about how I play."

Tony sighed and shook his head.

"I am Tony, a Shooting Guard."

Name: Tony

Position: Shooting Guard (SG)

His name is Tony and he is Gray's classmate???

Height: 5'8"(172)

Weight: 148lbs(67)

Weapon: ???

Strength: ???

Weakness: ???