Playing a casual game

It was supposed to be a happy reunion for the nephew and his aunt but it was not.

Lance helplessly knelt on the ground as Liza scolded him while sitting on the couch. His aunt seemed really angry with steam coming out of her ears.

"... Do you understand, you little prick?"

Lance averted his gaze and smiled wryly. He looked at the crutch beside that leans on the couch behind Liza. It seemed like Liza who didn't know he injured his knee found out and got angry with him.

"You injured your leg?"

"... yes..."

Liza frowned and began to nag again. It went on for another hour to the point that Lance couldn't even remember that he is tired.

"Why didn't you tell me? I told you to tell me when something happens! This is why I am against you living on your own!..."

"... What do you eat! Do you have a healthy diet? You have to take care of your body!"

"... I hope you wouldn't forget what I said and disregard them!"

"... Look at your apartment! What do you do? The wall looked dirty, your basketballs are literally littered on the ground!"

"... How am I going to trust you now?"

Lance looked at the ground and felt nostalgic at the moment. In his previous life, his aunt tends to nag at him a lot. She would usually go on forever, the typical way of how a mother nags at her son.

Liza would always nag at him though he wouldn't listen. She never stopped doing so and talked to Lance every day.

Back then, he even thought of it as a hassle and got annoyed at her. But now, he can understand why...

Liza always cared for him.

"Do you understand?"

Lance looked up and looked at LIza.

She was like a mother more than an aunt to him.

He is very thankful to have her as a family...

"I have decided!"


"If you really are so eager to train. I won't stop you but I will hire a trainer for you."


"You don't know any training ethics, right? Just beating up your body won't do good. You need a proper training regime."

Liza crossed her arms and stood up from the couch.

"You need someone to guide you."

Lance understood and began to think of the pros and cons. He unconsciously looked at the hoop inside the apartment and entered deep thought.

Liza suddenly spoke and asked, "Have you eaten."

"You cooked?" Lance responded in a surprised tone. He was doubtful of it.

Liza smiled and waved her hand.

"Come on. You know me, I don't cook. I ordered pizzas while you weren't home."

She pointed at the dining table while smiling.

In the table, there are two boxes of pizza. One is already empty and the other is open with only 6 slices remaining. The last box is even missing two slices.

Lance helplessly smiled wryly and sighed at Liza.




Like usual Lance jogged the next morning and went to school early. The time and the classes easily went by and past.

He sat on his chair looking outside the window. Leaned on his desk while his hand supported his chin, Lance listened to the class quietly like usual.

The rang, and the classes were over.

"Let's go to the club!"

Lance nodded and stood up from his seat. He followed Nathan and glanced at Allan who is also following them.

When they arrived at the gym, it was being used by the volleyball team.

"Where is the basketball team?"

Lance, Nathan, and Allan went to the faculty to find Leonard.

"Oh, that? Your seniors went to register the teams joining the tournament."

The trio found themselves walking out of the school gate.

"What to do?"

Nathan asked.

"Should we go play in the park?"

Nathan continued, "I am sure we can play against some people there."

Lance did not say anything and just nodded. Allan on the other hand just followed them.

They arrived at the park and saw a small group of people playing basketball. One of them is as old Lance.

He had bleached hair and a pierced lip. He looked like a delinquent at all angles.

He noticed Lance's group and saw that they are looking at them. Chris looked at his friends and pointed at Lance's group.

"Do they want to play?"

"I don't know."

"The kid behind the two is tall. He must be a great player."

"Wanna find out?" Chris smiled widely and looked at Lance's group.

"Hey wanna play?"

He shouted.

Lance, Nathan, and Allan looked at each other. Nathan stepped forward and asked, "Is it alright?"

"Of course it is." Chris laughed.

"Let's play 3 v 3."

Nathan looked at Lance and Allan.

Lance nodded and Allan did not reply. Nathan felt like the two wanted to and accepted the challenge.


Chris laughed and clapped his hands. He looked at his friends and looked at Nathan, "Then I'll play with these two against you three."


"First to get 21 points. Every shot is worth a point. Understand?"

"Sure!" Nathan replied.

Chris passed the ball to Nathan and said, "You go first."

Nathan nodded and threw the ball in. Lance got the ball and began to assess the whole situation.

Chris guarded against Nathan and followed him around but Lance noticed one thing. He never once looked away from the ball.

Lance frowned and looked at the one guarding against him. He was taller than Lance and played quite lax.

It seemed like he is being underestimated.

He saw Allan and looked at the opponents' defense. He dribbled the ball for a moment before tossing the ball up.

"Look out for the tall guy!"

Chris shouted as he responded as soon as Lance tossed the ball.

Because of his warning, his team's center immediately boxed Allan out blocking the ball's path.


Looking at the ball in the air, Chris commended his teammate's reaction.

One... two... three!

He took two steps before he jumped up to intercept the ball.

Nathan who was behind him all the time was surprised.

Chris left the ground and jumped a crazy height. His hands reached towards the ball and caught it in mid-air. It looked like he was plucking a star hanging in the sky.

'A jumper.'

Chris landed on two feet and smiled widely at Lance and Nathan who is looking at him. Then he turned around and met with Allan's pissed glare.

Lance gulped as he replayed the scene of Chris jumping into the air effortlessly. What surprised him the most is how fast he jumped and its staggering height.

Lance could estimate the jump at one glance and he was sure it reached at least 40 inches. Who would have thought they would meet someone who has such crazy vertical.

Chris saw Lance's surprised gaze and chuckled, "Surprise!"