Chapter 3 : His Hand

The man pushes the wheelchair nearer, so Li Lian could go near to her mom and quietly watch the heart-breaking cries from Li Lian. The man frowned and his expression turns dark as he sees Li Lian's tears.

He doesn't like Li Lian's tears and her crying face. But the most thing that he dislikes was the fact that he was useless and couldn't comfort her.

The man lowered his leg a bit stops at the height of Yue Li Lian who was sitting on the wheelchair and caresses Li Lian's head tenderly without a word.

Li Lian was shocked by the warmness of his hand. Each stroke he uses to caresses her head was indescribably soothing. After a while, Li Lian's tears gradually stops.


After a while, they went back to Li Lian's hospital room and the man continues to explain himself to her.

"I'm Li Jun Wei and I'm your husband. We married half a month when you were still in a coma." Li Jun Wei was expressionless, but his tone was very warm and serene.

From the table beside Li Lian's hospital bed, Li Jun Wei pulled a Wedding certificate and show it to Li Lian.

There was her and his name and the certificate was already signed. Li Lian carefully looks at the wedding certificate and it was undoubtedly her own signature...

"I married you when you were in a coma...I'm sorry for doing this without your permission, but I had to do this in order to protect you. As for the one who did this to you and your mother, I think you know well who did it" his eyes turn dark and frown as he says his last sentence.

Her eyes twitch as she heard him, she frowned in confusion 'In order to protect me...? His last sentence...Hue Lin!' Realizing who Li Jun Wei was saying, Li Lian's face darkens with anger.

Yue Li Lian, "You said that you married me in order to protect this you mean someone was aiming for my life?"

Li Jun Wei nods, "Yes."

Yue Li Lian felt her heartache... suddenly she unconsciously asks him, "Why did you marry me ?" her eyes glittered and she looks at him with an innocent expression.

When Li Jun Wei heard Li Lian's question his eyes warmly gaze at the Li Lian's face, although she has just woken up from a coma and her face looks pale and lethargic. She looks beautiful in his eyes.

"Yes I do, I had always loved you." his expression turned into a soft smile.

Li Jun Wei's charming features as the warm sunlight from the window shines toward him look very mesmerizing in Li Lian's eyes. Her heartbeat thump loudly, she felt as if her blood was moving in the opposite direction, abruptly her face blushed.

"Mr. Li, I have never know you before..How could you fall for me-?" before she could ask more, Li Jun Wei interrupts her question.

"Jun Wei," he says

Yue Li Lian tilted her head in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

" Call me Jun Wei" He repeated his word.

For some reason, hearing this Yue Li Lian heartbeat felt increasing more than before. She pursed her lips and slowly part her lips.

"J..Jun Wei" she looked down a few seconds to hide her red cheeks and then she peek up to look at Li Jun Wei's expression.

Suddenly, everything around her sounded silent. From the sound of the bird's chirping as they flap their wings, her heartbeat, and even the sound of her breathing...she couldn't hear anything. It was as if the world had gone silent with only them.

As if time froze, Li Lian's eyes could only gaze at Jun Wei's warm smile.

The expressionless face and his cold eyes disappeared without a trace. It was her first time to ever see such a beautiful and mesmerizing smile of Jun Wei, only a small thought hovered on her mind 'How beautiful.'

Without knowing the gears of fate start to move in the opposite direction, unknowingly Li Lian fell in love with the man in front of her.