Chapter 11 : Carrots and Spinach

Li Lian sits on the car sulkily, she pouted while puffing her cheeks like a hamster. Jun Wei raises his brows and frowns. He kept quiet for a while and keep thinking of the reason why Li Lian beside him is sulking.

They had just went out of the restaurant and they had a very romantic dinner, although they were supposed to be having the romantic dinner alone with no one other than the two of them, Xiao Chen intentionally followed them to the dinner and ruined his plan.

But everything was alright before, so why is she sulking? Although her sulking and puffed cheek are cute, he couldn't stop worrying.

Jun Wei, " What is it? "

Li Lian looks at him with a while pouting her lips then answers, "Those girls from the restaurant why couldn't they keep their eyes away from you? The literary glued their eyes on you! geez ! " her eyes were filled with jealousy.

" pftt- " Jun Wei couldn't help himself and laugh

Li Lian, " Geez, don't laugh! I'm angry you know! Don't they see that we have a wedding ring?" Li Lian continues to sulk after she heard him laugh.

He pats her head and smiles " I know "

Xiao Chen who became the love bird's driver couldn't help, but laughing loudly in his heart. ' sister-in-law, you was not the only one who was jealous, Ge Ge sent a deathly glare to all the man's eyes in the restaurant, if you were not there, he would already gouge their eyes and skin them alive!! '

Suddenly Li Lian exclaims loudly to stop Xiao Chen from driving forward. " Xiao Chen stop here ! " said Li Lian in a bright tone.

" Here? Sister-in-law, are you going to shop here? " Xiao Chen asks in a weird tone.

Li Lian tilts her head in confusion," Yes? Why? Is something wrong? "

Xiao Chen was about to continue his word before Jun Wei cut him by opening the door.

" Let's get down then," says Jun Wei while escorting Li Lian out of the car in a gentlemanly way.

Before they went into the store, suddenly Jun Wei's phone rang. He looks at Li Lian and says, " Can you go in first? I will go in after I take the call "

Jun Wei was still expressionless and Li Lian doesn't know anything about his work, so she didn't think much about it and agreed.

Li Lian teasingly smiled, " Okay! don't go for too long, okay? Because I can't live without my heart for a long time- "

Xiao Chen regrets sipping his bubble tea that he nearly spits it off in shock. After he heard his sister-in-law's flirting with his demonic woman-hating older brother ' Heart? do you mean Ge Ge is your heart ??? '

" Okay " says Jun Wei obediently, although he was still expressionless and looked cold, Xiao Chen and Li Lian knew that he was happy with her words.

Li Lian went inside the store with Xiao Chen, Although Xiao Chen dressed casually in a plain cat printed T-shirt, he still looks undeniably handsome. When Xiao Chen went into the store, the girls' eyes inside the store can't stop staring at him.

They start chattering when they saw Xiao Chen-

" wow, he is so handsome!! "

" is he a celebrity? "

" I think he is a model"

"wow look at his body proportion "

" Wait, I think I know who he is! He is Li Xiao Chen, the director of the Li Cooperation!!"

"WHAT? I need to take picture of him, quick lend me your camera!"

The girls in the store continue to chatter and open their phones to take picture of Xiao Chen. Li Lian look at Xiao Chen's smug expression.

" So you're pretty famous, huh " ask Li Lian sarcastically

" Well I am handsome, you know ? " he doesn't notice Li Lian was being sarcastic so he was still boasting his handsome face while grinning ear-to-ear.

" Well I don't know, because in my eyes Jun Wei is the most handsome guy in the world, everyone looks like carrots and spinach in my eyes," answers Li Lian while smiling mockingly at Xiao Chen.

" Geez, my brother is otherworldly handsome! don't pair him with me !! if you only see my brother every day, even the most handsome actors or model in China will immediately look like spinach! " Xiao Chen shook his head in disappointment.

" AH! But I don't think you're a carrot or spinach," answers Li Lian

When Xiao Chen heard Li Lian words, He felt like he became a dog waiting for his treat. He waits for his sister-in-law's next word and anticipates it.

Looking at Xiao Chen wagging his tail, waiting for her words Li Lian couldn't help but tease him more,

" Not spinach or a carrot..but..." Li Lian purposely stop her word before she continues

" More like a Kale !! " she laughs uncontrollably mocking at Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's tail fell to the floor he smiles turns into a sulk he puffed up his cheek " Kale? sister-in-law I'm too handsome to become a kale".

" Then if you are not a kale, I think... Beansprout fits you " answers Li Lian.

Xiao Chen slaps his face in disappointment,'well at least I'm still not a beansprout '