Chapter 23 : The Miss Is In Another Different Level ( 1 )

A whisper of sentences swiftly passes trough Li Lian's mind [ Li Lian, remember to protect yourself no matter what ]

The sentence continues to linger in her ears, a familiar voice of a stranger. A person that she could never remember.

Li Lian flings her legs up and kicked the hand of the assassin swiftly. In a surprise, he jumps back and looked at the girl with a frown.

As an assassin they had their own pride, being kicked by a frail girl would surely be a bad joke. He gathers his thought to fight again and faster he swing his hand with his knives.

He thought that after a few movement the girl's flitting life would be easily taken by him.


Li Lian continues to evade his attack easily without even moving an inch away from her place. The assassin's eyes turn desperate and his movement gradually loses its pace.

A glint of smirk sparks from his eyes, he went back and march to her with a knife on his left. Li Lian evaded the knife on the left and suddenly another knife came from her right, Li Lian had already notices his trick and evaded it once again.

Suddenly, he took his gun and points it to her head. The sight frightens the guards even more.


Loud sound the gun rings to everyone's ears, speechless, their faces turn frozen..

The expected view of the bloody body of a fragile woman was still standing straight with a murderous expression.

" What a cheap trick, are you really an assassin? " Says Li Lian with a mocking smirk.

" Yo..ou! "

Her opponent was left speechless by her skill, one could immediately know that she had an experience in fighting against an assassin before. Her movement was very clear and sharp as if she had been trained to fight or...take a person's life.


An unexpected shot came from behind the assassin from inside of the assassins' car. Slowly a man came out with his black suit, his expression was cold and murderous.

Even after he shot his own colleague his expression shows no emotion. All the other assassin back down in fear when they saw him.

Li Lian's bodyguard who was left dumbfounded by all the sudden things that happen before their eyes stood frozen staring widely as if their eyes were about to fall out from its socket.

Instantly as they look at the cold-murderous beauty only a word came out from their mouth

" A Death Goddess !! "

Li Lian felt that someone was talking about her and glared at the two bodyguards that had just called her a death God. The two felt an immense chill when their eyes locked with her glare, Reflexively their palm closed their mouth in fear.

' No...way, maybe....the miss read our mind ?? How did she know we were talking about her? '

Now that the last boss came, everyone expected the girl to tremble in fear yet her expression also didn't change, she looked more intrigue and amuse.


The man voice was deep and loud like that of a lion, people who heard his voice couldn't help but felt the chill on their neck.

Everyone except Li Lian was able to see him eye to eye without trembling. " So you're the last boss? "

He laughed at her words " Last boss, Young girl, you are quite amusing "

Li Lian, " You look like you're the strongest one here, say...I'm in a hurry, so what about this. You fight me one on one and if I win, let me and my bodyguard go "

His eyes twitch as he heard her words that she utter light-heatedly, the other assassin could only shift their gaze away from them and pitied the girl.

" You're quite a funny girl.....Sure, I will agree. But if you lose I will have all three of your heads "

Li Lian, " Okay! Don't forget your own words, if you do...The consequences would doubled, remember! "

The man was clearly bigger and his height double hers, his muscle could never be compared by her thin limbs. Clearly , she looked overpowered and powerless yet her eyes looked more fired up and there's no spec of fear could be seen.

The man looked at her with an amused expression as if he was looking at a toy.

It was the first time for him to find someone who still could stand in front of him and even asked for a one-on-one fight and to top it all she is a weak and fragile girl. Her arms look like it could snap if grip on it with only 1% of his powers.

People had already known the outcome that she would lose without being able to hit him once and they looked at her pitifully...

What they didn't know was that they had the wrong person to be pitied...