Chapter 31 : Regret

" N-NO..WAY !!! " Xie Hue Lin's voice echoed through her room.

She closes her mouth in disbelieve and her body trembles as if she had just seen a ghost. Meanwhile, her parents ran to her worriedly after they heard her sharp scream.

Before Old Master Xie could ask anything, the madam fell back while holding her phone.

Her pale lips shutters as she speaks " D-Darling... t-thi...s! "

The old master took her phone and his face colors drop as the video. A familiar face and voice...The person in the video was not other than his own daughter !!

He shook his head and rub his eyes repeatedly, ' No way! this could not be real !! That girl! She was dead....! '

He took out his phone and quickly order his secretary to search for the girl on video. Whatever it takes, he needs to make sure that no one would find her before him! The daughter that had always drag his feet! She would undoubtedly ruin his image!

Hue Lin faces twist in frustration and anger....No matter what, she needed to finish that woman first before anyone find her!

Her grips tighten and her body nervously trembles, the throne that had been hers...

She was afraid that her hated sister would come alive and revealed who tried to kill her...!

Her place would be taken over !! And his heart that she tried her best to take would go back to that d*amned b*itch!

'NO! I would never let her have her life back....This time also! I'll make sure she tastes the same pain as before! '


A man took his suit and fix his cuff as he walks out of his room when suddenly his phone rang.

He enter the lift and answers the call

"Hello? Zhuang Xuan? What hap- " Before she could finish her question, the person on the other side of the phone scream loudly that his voice even trembled.

" Y-YUE L...LI..LIAN !!"

Hearing the name the man's eyebrows furrowed and his expression turns darker.

" What do you mean? Li Lian...? This is not a funny joke Xuan! "

Zhuang Xuan, " What Joke ?!!! Do you think I would make a joke using her name, you Sh*t Head !! "

" Sh-! " He was baffled by his friend sudden swearing and shook his head " What happened, then ?! "

Zhuang Xuan type on his laptop swiftly and send him a mail. " This afternoon, In China a certain video has been viral...and.."

" And ??! "

Zhang Xuan frowned " Check your mail, stupid!! Are you still in England? "

The man went inside his car and hurriedly open his laptop, he downloaded the video from his mail. When the video played a fragile and sweat voice echoed through his ears...

The loving voice that he heard repeatedly even in his dream, His heartache as he heard her voice. The image of the girl played on his mind and....the face of her trying to hold back her tears as she smile.

He closes his mouth in disbelieve and his voice trembled slightly.

" X-Xuan, please...find her ..! "

Xuan bit his lips, he tried his best not to shout in anger..." I would've done that even without your order !!! " And angrily end the call.

The man opens his wallet and took a small picture of Li Lian from the corner of the wallet. His pinch the bridge of his nose and let out a relieved sigh.

' Lian...Is that you ..? Are you still alive..? Is it really you ..? '

while he was immersed in his thought, his phone once again rang. His expressions darkens and frown as he read the caller name.

He sighs and rubs his forehead before he answers the call " Hello, Hue Lin? "

A soft voice of the girl trembles as she speaks " Chang Min-ge .... "

" What happened? Are you all alright? " He asks

" Um... Did you hear anything from China? " Hue Lin bit her lower lips as she speaks. She tries even harder to mask her voice to her usual soft voice, but Chang Min could hear her voice shakes as she speaks.

" I didn't heard anything from China, is there something wrong? "

Knowing that Chang Min hasn't see Li Lian's viral video, her tones brighten up.

" Um.. It's nothing, Min-ge, when are you going to come back home ..? I miss you... "

Her voice sounded flirty as she speaks, but rather following her flirty conversation. He Chang Min sounded serious and has zero interest in continuing the conversation

" Maybe a week after...Hue Lin, I'm going to go now, don't forget to take care of yourself "

Dejected by his cold response, Hue Lin pouted " Okay, you too "

After she ended her call, Hue lin furiously throw her phone and bit her nails.

'F*CK !! THAT WH*RE !!!!! Why is she still alive? How did she survive! '

She had been trying her hardest to make Chang Min forget about Li Lian, but now that the video has gone viral, sooner or later Chang Min would know the news...

Even though Chang Min had broken the engagement, after that Wh*re death, he became disheartened if he regrets breaking up with Li Lian that day...

The thoughts of Chang Min leaving her scares Hue Lin to the core.... Especially if she lose him to that B*tch !!!

the reflection on the mirror reflects her vicious expression, No matter what...she needs to kill that woman...!

" Li Lian... Wait for it !!! I will erase you from this world forever! "