Chapter 33 : Past ( 1 )

A week after that, trying to get closer to their sister was harder than they expected. The twins were still ten at the time and thought that getting closer to someone was easier than it actually was.

" Huh, was it that hard to get along with someone? "

Shun mumbles as he marches through the hall while holding a peach that he stole from Shin. As he was about to turn right from the intersection, he jumps back and hid behind the wall. While he keeps peeking at the two men waiting for them to leave, he involuntarily overheard their conversation.

" Did, you see...?" One of the men ask

" I see, it's surprising that the master adopts that girl."

" I know... Master was too kind, right? "

The man shook his head, " He is... "The man waves his hand and lower his tone " Didn't you hear?"

" Hear what...?"

" That girl is originally his blood-related granddaughter..."

" Blood-related??!!" The other man raises his voice in awe.

" Her mother... She is the granddaughter of the previous head-clan."

"..." The man was left with no words as if he had just heard something unimaginable.

Shun's peach nearly falls from his hand, deep down he knew there was something wrong when the girl was suddenly adopted. He had doubts for a long time, it was weird enough for the girl to be suddenly adopted out of nowhere and... " those bruises..." he mumbles.

He pick the peach from the floor and wipes it with his cuff.

" But...That girl, she is not a Japanese, right? "

The man nodded " Yes... In fact, she is half Chinese. His father is Chinese- That poor girl, she's so quiet, was it from shock? "

He shook his head and rub his forehead, pauses before he answers " Maybe..."

" Maybe what? " He hurried his friend to finish his words.

" Hm...I think, that it's not because she can't speak, rather she is..." He quietly whispers to his friend.

Hearing this, Shun's lips curl brightly. ' Is that so...'


The Old Master's frightening air weigh even more pressure than ever. His frown seems to last even before the Sun even raises. In front of him, a maid sitting on her knees behind the sliding door across him with a pale expression.

" Where is he? " His hoarse voice frightens the poor maid.

Her voice shutters from fear." ...Young Mas..ter Shun still locks himself in his bedroom since the..ree days ago..."

Looking at the poor maid's pale expression, the old man held in his anger and sigh. His eyes was still fierce from anger as if a Lion was about to jump out from his eyes.

" Forget it!! Call Shin here! "

The maid looks down at her shaky fingers, her face turns paler ", he is also..."

" Also what?! " He raises his voice even louder in anger.

The maid bows down, pleading for a silent mercy, " ...He is also in his room for the past three days."

The old man holding back his anger, humped and wave the maid telling her to go back. She closes the sliding door and immediately walks away.

" Kei! " A few seconds after the old man calls his name, across the him the sliding door opened with a man sitting on his knee with his eyes looking down.

" Yes, master" The man big-build looks even bigger in front of the sliding door, with his calm expression like a tame wild-beast.

" Bring two of them here, right now! Drag them if you need to! " The old man slam his wooden cane along with his command.

Kei nods silently and walks away from the room. Before he reaches his destination, two familiar silhouette was speaking frantically in a foreign language.

" No!! Shin! That wrong, shouldn't it be like this? " Shun voice echoed through the hall.

" How do you know I'm wrong? You can't also speak Chinese!! " Shin grumbles.

Shun scratches his head and once again re-read his dictionary. " Hmmm... This is a lot harder than I expected."

" ..." Shin straight lips give a faint smile " ...And, who says that it was easy? I think I remembered someone saying ' I will speak Chinese in a week! ' in front of my room three days Who was it? " he smirks.

Shun puffed his lips, " Me! If I say that I can speak Chinese in a week, that means I 'will' speak Chinese in a week! "

Shin doesn't know whether to praise him for his naivety or stupidity and shrugs his shoulder aside. " Yes, yes... whatever you say, young master. " and quietly walk away with some of Shun's books.

" yes, yes, praise me mo-...Hey, hey!! Where are you going?! Give me back my book!! Shin!! " Before he could catch up to his little brother, he notices a large, overwhelming shadow looming behind him.

Shun gulps in fear, his eyebrow moves as if it was dancing, and turn back his head with an awkward smile, " Uh... Kei- "

Kei took his body and position him on his shoulder, walks a bit more. Shin could also feel his pressuring air and froze, letting himself to be carried by him on his arm.

" Umm..." Shin nervously open his lips, " Kei-Nii-chan, did... grandpa call us? "

Kei was still quiet and gave them a silent confirmation.

" Ughh, that old man!! couldn't he let me off for only a week? " far from Shin's calm words, Shun spoke more bluntly with no restain.

Although the distance from their room to the Old Master's room was not far, because of the quiet walk, Shun starts to feel awkward, " Kei-Nii-chan, You know... We could walk by ourself. "

Following Shun's words, Shin nod in sync.

From Kei's tight lips only a few words come out, " No, it's fine. "

Shun knit his brows, ' Fine? ... You're fine, but I'm not!!' his quite plead could only be heard by his twin who was also thinking the same thing.