Chapter 37 : Million Entertainment

Li Lian's video had gone viral on Weibo, riding the wave of the news, the TV competition post on their Weibo :

[ Watch the competition on Tuesday! And meet the mysterious singer on the TV at -- O'clock ]

The Weibo filled with anticipation of people who wishes to watch the competition. The hot news couldn't be surpassed anymore. The magazines and the tabloids also create a headline on the mysterious singer.

Xiao Chen ran happily toward Li Lian who was having her breakfast in the kitchen.

" Wow Wow Wow !!! Sister-in-law, I didn't expect you to win !! " Says Xiao Chen if he had a tail, he must've been excitedly wagging his tail.

Li Lian raises his eyebrow " Hey- What do you mean by ' I didn't expect you to

Xiao Chen laughs like a child and sat down at the table with a glass of milk, he turns his head to Old maid Zhue who was preparing his food " Old maid Zhue, did brother already go to work? "

Old maid Zhue nodded softly " Yes, young master Jun had already go to work since 6 o'clock"

Xiao Chen nod and drink his milk slowly, " Sister-in-law, I heard your brother came to see Ge Ge? "

Li Lian took a bite of her rice " En, they did "

" A-h~ That's a pity I was hoping to see them once. I heard they're twins! Do they look like you? "

Li Lian chopstick lower down as she heard him " They don't... in fact, they're not my blood-related siblings "

Xiao Chen notices that he had touched a sensitive topic when he saw Li Lian's eyes grew sadder as she speaks and took out his phone to change the topic of their conversation " Sister-in-law, look at this !! "

Li Lian looks at his phone and the corner of her lips immediately brightens up with a smile " when did you take this? "

Xiao Chen laughs coyly " Don't call me Li Xiao Chen if I couldn't even get this picture !! "

The picture of Li Wei as he bought a bouquet.....As she gazes at the picture, her mind wanders back to the memory of last night.

Last night she wasn't sure of what she saw, but the wound on his right arms looked as if it was caused by a sharp object. A wound that looked very similar to He Chang Min's wounds. The wound that saved her 9 years ago. The wound that the boy suffers for her, the boy that she never knew his face and the person that she loved.

A sharp headache attack her as she tries to remember the incident that almost took her life 9 years ago, she pats her head softly. This always happens whenever she tries to remember what happened that day, her memories weren't clear and she never looks at that boy's face. The only thing she could remember was the wound on his right arm and that he's a son from a Chinese prominent family.

But from the look of his wounds, it was clearly similar to the wound of the boy who helped her at that accident and Chang Min's wound.

' But ' Li Lian stopped her thoughts in doubt. ' Isn't that boy is He Chang Min? '

She was sure at the time that boy was He Chang Min and it was also the reason why she fell for Chang Min...But what if... What if all this time she was wrong? And that boy was actually Jun Wei, doesn't it explain the reason for him knowing her?

Li Lian looked at the clock and stood up from her table gathering for her chopsticks in place, she then turns her face towards and old maid beside her.

" Old maid Zhue, Thank you for the meal," Says Li Lian as she wipes her mouth

Old maid Zhue smiles happily, as a veteran maid, she had served many different household, but this was the first time someone would happily greets, thanks and even apologize to them. Everyone in the household holds high respect for Li Lian and after she came to the house. The mansion felt livelier than before.

Zhue answered, " Your welcome young lady "

Xiao Chen looked at Li Lian who was about to leave " Sister-in-law, You're going to go somewhere ?? "

Li Lian looked at the clock before she answers " Yes... I need to leave at about 8 o'clock, what's wrong? "

Xiao Chen's gossip antenna detected something worth to be news to his brother " Where are you going? "

Li Lian, " Million Entertainment "

Xiao Chen, " Million Entertainment? Ah-! You mean, the entertainment company that held your singing competition? "

Li Lian nodded, "Yes, It seems that they want to hold a photo shoot for the winner "

Xiao Chen's eyes twitch as he think " Hmm... Million Entertainment- I think there's something that I also need to discuss about that company- "

Li Lian tilt her head, but looking at her watch once again, she hurried herself. " Xiao Chen, I'm late, I'm going to go now, see you later. "

" En~ Have a nice day " Answered Xiao Chen as he waves his hand, still trying to jog his memory.

' Million Entertainment- ' Xiao Chen mumble as he tries to remember what he had forgotten.

Suddenly Xiao Chen stood up from his seat while exclaiming " Oh no!! I forgot!!!!! The trashy Ex-Fiancee is there !!! "