Chapter 51 : New Information

Inside the elevator, Li Lian crosses her arms and rest her back at the wall. The lady of the receptionist hesitate for a few moments, "Mrs. Yue, I would advise you that it would be better to avoid those three in the future."

Li Lian put down her hand and curiously asks, "Why is that?"- 'It seems that this person knows something...'

The lady receptionist stood closer next to her and continues, "The two women behind the one in the middle is a veteran at singing industry, Xie Mu and Bai Hua they're known for their viciousness in making scandal of other singers... however the real problem is not those two rather the leader of that group Han Xiu Nian!"

Li Lian curiously tilts her head and repeated, "Han Xiu Nian?"

The lady receptionist lowers her voice into a whisper as if someone could hear them from the sturdy elevator, "It's only a rumor...but according to it, Han Xiu Nian is a secret lover of someone quite influential."

Intrigued by the new information Li Lian lifts her brow, "Oh? Is someone influential? "

The lady receptionist continues her gossip, from her expression Li Lian could understand just how influential the man in question is.

"Mrs. Yue, do you know Li Corporation?" asked the lady.

Li Lian nods, "Yes."

The lady receptionist lifts her brow as she read Li Lian's expression that still looks normal...Usually, when she mentions Wang Corporation to someone, they would either jump from surprise or widen their eyes. However, Li Lian's expression almost seems as if she still hadn't understood just how powerful Wang Corporation is...

The lady receptionist darkens her expression and continues, "I don't think you understand...It's that Wang Corporation, you know? The supreme corporation, that almost hold over this country's whole industries...? And it is said that he could erase someone without leaving a single trace..."

'Jun Wei's corporation is that big?! No wonder he could buy all those clothes...' Somehow, Li Lian dislike the fact that she had been taking advantage of Jun Wei unknowingly and frowned.

Seeing Li Lian's dark expression, the lady thought that she had finally warned her"Anyway, " the lady continues, "It seems that Han Xiu Nian is the secret lover of the manager of Wang Corporation...His name is Jin Mo Lang. So it's better if you don't anger her. Everyone who still want to stay in the entertainment industry never dares to do anything that could offend her..."

Before Li Lian could continue to ask the lady more information, the elevator door opens. The lady walks off the elevator and guides Li Lian to the photo studio.

When the lady went inside the studio, from the corner of Li Lian's eyes, she caught a glimpse of a young man crouching on the floor with a pale expression. His breathing sounds heavy and harsh as he beat his chest in pain.

Seeing this, Li Lian quickly marches toward the young man patting his back while observing his rough wheezing. 'Asthma?...If it is then...'

Li Lian rummage through the young man's jacket in a hurry searching for something. After a few seconds, Li Lian felt something and pull an inhaler from the young man's right pocket. Swiftly, she handed it over to the young man while comforting his back helping him relax.

"Calm down, don't be in a hurry...Take a deep breath and exhale."

From behind, the staff of the entertainment company couldn't help but applause for Li Lian's swiftness in and attentive care as she attends the young man's sickness. The crowds that gather sneakily took a picture and video of Li Lian's heroic act.