Chapter 56: Newbie?

While putting makeup on Li Lian, the makeup artist couldn't help but stare at her face in awe. Li Lian's features were sharp and beautifully carved. Not to mention, Li Lian's skin was as pure as milk and as soft as silk!

She had been working for almost 9 years as a makeup artist and detecting if the artist had done any plastic surgery was an easy thing for her. However, she couldn't find any on Li Lian's face!

The makeup artist couldn't believe what she had just seen... No matter how much the makeup artist stares she couldn't find any flaw at Li Lian's face!

This was the first time in her life...The first time she found someone that was so perfect!

Soon after the makeup artist finished, Li Lian thanked her and walks back toward the studio. She put away all her thought of the troublesome people that she met and shift to her working-mode.

The people that looked at her couldn't help but gasp or widened their eyes in surprise. Even without her makeup, Li Lian had already look mesmerizing...

Now she looked as if...

As if a goddess had descended from Heaven!

Every move that Li Lian made looks very graceful and elegant! No one can resist her otherworldly charm!

The photographer for today is Mister Qing's close friend who had been working together since they start in the movie industry- Hong Guo Shang. As soon as Hong Guo Sang and Mister Qing who stood at the corner of the studio saw Li Lian, they couldn't help but gasps in surprise from the stunning view.

After greeting the staff and the still-in-awe-state Hong Guo Shang, Li Lian stops in front of the camera.

Hong Guo Shang snaps back from his awe-state and took his camera in a hurry. He couldn't possibly let go of such a beautiful subject!

Since today's photoshoot's theme is 'Angel' Li Lian needed to act more gracefully and kind.

Following her thoughts, the next time Li Lian opens her eyes her gaze and aura had changed. People who looked at her instantly could see the illusion of wings behind Li Lian.

Her soft smile, compassionate gaze, and graceful pose took everyone's breath away.-

Hong Guo Shang's fingers continue to shutter his camera as if he needed to capture every movement that Li Lian made in reflex. He couldn't believe what had just happened... The girl immediately change her own aura in a blink! -' Didn't people say that she's a newbie? That's not possible! Her posing isn't stiff like any other newcomer...'

As Li Lian was focused on posing, Mister Qing silently observes Li Lian and nods with an impressed expression. From Li Lian's posture, gaze and aura, it seems as if Li Lian was used to this, but she's a perhaps it is her talent? If it's her talent that means...she's very impressive!

When she finished, Li Lian bowed down and thanked the studio's staff and Hong Guo Shang before she leaves. Seeing Li Lian who was very talented, humble, bright, and polite, Mister Qing couldn't help but favor her even more.

Hong Guo Shang looked at the computer that shows Li Lian's pictures in utter disbelief, before walking toward his best friend, Mister Qing in a hurry. "Did you just see that? That newbie, she switched into another role in less than a minute! That's very amazing!! Even models that have work for over 5 years still have trouble doing that!"

Mister Qing rubs his chin in silent thought, before saying, "She's a real gem!!"

Hong Guo Shang slap his thigh, "I agree! I've heard her singing voice- from techniques and when she expresses the song's feelings!! Everything was done without a flaw!!"

Director Qing felt a sense of trust toward Li Lian and pat Hong Guo Shang's shoulder, "She's perfect for that song..."

Hong Guo Shang looks at him wide-eyed, "That...You mean the ending song for the upcoming drama 'Handmaiden'?...You told me you can't find any singers that could express the character's feelings...Are you saying she could?"

Mister Qing grins, "Yes." he answered with full-confidence.