Chapter 106: Screaming Initially In Excitement

Wei Mo Ran cleared her throat for a moment and began down to the business before taking a seat at one of the vacant chairs. "Well then, everyone, please take a seat for a moment."

The three of them followed her cue and sat all together. Wei Mo Ran placed her tablet in front of them with a new picture from Li Lian's account that Wei Mo Ran had just uploaded.

The picture was a flower in a vase that had been blurred with the main focus at the flower that was flying to the bright light. Below the picture, a small note was left: "Flowerless vase and colored light."

After a moment of pause that came from the three people observing the picture, Wei Mo Ran spoke with a business smile. "Ms. Yue, your debut song's main theme would be standing up from the loneliness."

Li Lian thought for a moment before mumbling. "Standing up from the loneliness..."

Wei Mo Ran continued her explanation thoroughly. "The first that I plan is to create infinite possibilities for the song's meanings. Such as loneliness, sadness, breakups, bidding goodbyes to a wish or dream or perhaps someone. It's a ballad song that wouldn't be too dark or deep, but light and gave off a warm feeling. I do think this song fits perfectly for you Ms. Yue. What do you think?"

Li Lian paused in a slight surprise when it's true ballad songs are her number one skills, Wei Mo Ran had read perfectly her flaw and her strength before giving her opinion and sharping Li Lian's talent into a weapon.

Mr. Du from the side, as a composure gave his words. "I have worked to compose the lyrics of the song to gave off the perfect feel for the song, we would see if there're any changes that we could do to improve the song."

Mr. In nodded and added. "Ms. Wei and Ms. Yue, actually, I have almost finish tuning 90 percents of the songs, would you mind hearing the tunes first?"

Wei Mo Ran and Li Lian instantly agreed. "Yes, that would be better, Mr. In."

Mr. In worked on his computer for a moment before passing the two a headphone. Li Lian took the headphone and thank him faintly before preparing her loud beating heart and greet her debut song that would start her career in the music world.

Although outside Li Lian's face was perfectly fine with a gentle and unflustered face, her inner thoughts were screaming initially at her heart in excitement.

Even though songs are supposed to be made almost months and months, Li Xiao Chen actually used all his networks and chose the perfect efficient and diligent workers for the songs soon after he had received a word from Wei Mo Ran's tactic.

A few seconds after Li Lian wore the headphone, a faint melody rang through her ears, giving a slow waltz of tunes and warmth lullaby-like notes. At some moment, the song was enriched with a violin to give off some lonely and lingering feelings and at the other all the music instruments mixed beautifully with each other, mellowing the sounds of the keyboards and soft guitar's keys.

Just by hearing the songs, Li Lian could understand what Wei Mo Ran meant by leaving a dark place to a far brighter place. It was a song of sadness and new hope, a melody that could melt people's eyes.

As the song finished, Li Lian took off the headphone and sincerely give her applause to Mr. In. "Mr. In, that was very beautiful and mesmerizing! The notes were very languid and translucent. Especially the part when the violin came in to resume the bridge."

Mr. In rubbed his nose and felt that his hard works had been paid with such simple praise. "Do you also really think so? I contacted my friend who had been playing the violin and asked her to play that part- as I thought, placing the violin at that part was necessary!"

"I agree!" Li Lian gave both her thumbs up.

Wei Mo Ran also gave Mr. In his well-deserved praise before ticking off something in her tablet. "Mr. In and Mr. Du, when do you think the music would be finished?"

Mr. In gave a pause and folded his fingers with a count before answering. "The song would perhaps completely finish in about another 5 days." Mr. Du also agreed involuntarily.