Chapter 110: Sense Of Taste

Li Lian gave a laugh. By now, she guessed that her little sister was very angry that she wanted to kill her again. Behind her little sister, her father and mother at the moment were comforting her while cursing at her at the same time.

She had been cursed much time by her family, what would she care about anymore, now?

Li Jun Wei gazed at Li Lian with a soft expression. The car arrived at the hotel that was also one of Li Corporation. Li Lian gazed at the luxurious hotel that sparkled in golden colored with an awestruck expression.

'Isn't this Five Leaf Hotel? That expansive hotel where most of the foreign president would choose to stay at?'

"Li Lian, we've arrived. " Li Jun Wei said after looking at Li Lian whose eyes were stuck on the hotel in a reverie.

"Uh, yes." Li Lian unlocked the seatbelt and straightened her back. "Aww." Suddenly Li Lian whined out loud.

She gazed at her a few strands of her hair that was stuck at the seatbelt. Li Jun Wei slightly frowned from Li Lian's high pitched voice and bring forth his face toward Li Lian.

A fragrance of a fresh lavender perfume wafted to Li Lian's nose as Li Jun Wei grew impending. Li Lian flinched from the abruptness and Li Jun Wei muttered. "Stay still for a moment. It'll hurt f you move."

"M- Mn..." Li Lian nodded obediently.

Seeing Li Jun Wei's face even closer. Her mind still couldn't process how she was able to catch such a handsome and thoughtful man as her husband. Not only he was handsome, kind, and rich, he always had his eyes only at her. Making her feel special than any other women around her.

Li Jun Wei's eyelashes were long enough to create a shadow under his eyes. He has a high nose bridge and a full lower lip that seemed to be very dewy.

Her heartbeat thumped loudly, making Li Lian felt somewhat embarrassed that Li Jun Wei could hear her heartbeats.

Unaware of Li Lian's face that turned red all over, Li Jun Wei who finally detached her hair from the seatbelt faced up. Their eyes met each other in a lock. Li Lian gulped and turned her eyes away.

Li Jun Wei's eyes seemed to smile as he helped Li Lian to open the car with his left hand near her shoulders. "Done."

"Thank you." Li Lian said before she walked down the car.

Li Jun Wei followed he and they both were immediately greeted by all of the employees of the hotel.

Li Lian read their expression who seemed professional at first but it's still couldn't hide their questioning eyes at the person beside the boss.

Li Jun Wei was a very considerate person. He knew that Li Lian had her job in the entertainment world and had the whole hotel empty for her.

Li Lian who was unaware of the fact asked. "Why is it so quiet here? Where are the other guests in the hotel?"

Li Jun Wei looked at her eyes. "Perhaps they are turning in earlier."

Li Lian nodded and murmured. "Is it because this hotel is too expansive that the whole hotel only have a few rich guests?"

They entered the private restaurant room and sat in front of each other. One by one, not soon after they sat, food was served by the professional chef. Li Lian could see from behind that the chef also waited behind them for the boss's reaction with a jumpy face.

After the appetizers filled the round table, a bottle of finely aged wine was also poured at Li Lian's wide glass by Li Jun Wei. "Congratulation." He repeated his word in an elegant manner as though saying once wasn't enough.

Li Lian smiled picking her glass toward Li Jun Wei's to give a toss. "Thank you."

Taking a few sips of the wine that she hasn't taste for a long time, Li Lian gave a satisfied "mn."

"That taste good."

Li Jun Wei smiled. "That's great. I didn't know what you like." His eyelashes cast down and added. "We have been living together for five months now, but I don't know many things about you."

Li Lian took another gulp out of the wine to calm her heart down. "I also don't know many things about you too..."

Li Jun Wei took a bite out of his food and dabbed his lips with a napkin. "That's why I want us to start learning about each other." He gazed at Li Lian's eyes before to her food. "Such as, what's your favorite food?"

"I-... I like many things as long as it isn't too spicy." Li Lian replied.

Li Jun Wei noted down silently. "So you dislike spicy food?"

Li Lian nodded and took another sip from her glass. "No, it's the other way around. I love spicy foods but because my stomach is rather weak, there was once when I got a horrible stomachache after eating a spicy fried fish. Jun Wei, what's your favorite food? Or food that you dislike?"

Li Lian asked, actually she had been dying to ask this question whenever she planned to cook food for Li Jun Wei. But she was unable to find her time to ask him and could only read his unreadable expression whenever he ate.

Li Jun Wei thought in silence. "I don't think I have any food that I particularly like or dislike. However, I do like the food that you made." his tone sounded seducing to Li Lian's ear.

Since he was young, Li Jun Wei had a peculiar sense of taste. He couldn't taste anything and rather thought all the food that he ate was bland.

There was once when Li Xiao Chen ate a soup that was made by their maid and cried out loud because the soup was very salty. However, Li Jun Wei ate the soup without a single expression.

The worried grandfather and grandmother brought him to the hospital, however, Li Jun Wei gave no reaction to the food that was overly spicy, sweet, salty, or bitter.

When his grandparents asked him why he never once told them that he was unable to taste the food, Li Jun Wei gave an indifferent tone and replied.

"Because food is only a necessity to live and not something to enjoy."