Chapter 117: Hangover Soup

Li Lian and Li Jun Wei stopped at the restaurant he recommended for a hangover soup. After a full bowl of hangover soup as an appetizer, Li Lian felt her pixilated mind clearer and a few layers and drew out a satisfied sigh.

"That's delicious. My hangover is better now. As expected of your recommended hangover soup!" Li Jun Wei replied with a soft chuckle with his eyes staring at the girl instead of his food.

Suddenly a loud growl from Li Lian's stomach filled the interval between their conversation. The growl was too embarrassing for herself that she instantly placed both hands to cover it and looked up to see Li Jun Wei covering his mouth with a smile crease at the corner of his eyes.

"Let's order some food. What would you like?"

Li Lin cursed her stomach for shamelessly crying out and pointed her finger at any dishes on the menu. "Let's take both of that then." Li Jun Wei replied and raised his hand to call the waiter while Li Lian used the time to pulled herself back altogether.

Whenever Li Jun Wei was beside her, she would lose her own momentum and sweep up by his atmosphere. He was being too considerate at her and did everything to make sure it would be comfortable for her. Such as when she was walking without looking at her surroundings as she talked, he would place his hands on her waist and protect her from bumping at any place.

He also knew that she loved sweets and often brought her cakes at home. He was a sweet man himself, keeping a note on what she likes and what she dislikes. And even though deep down she loved spicy foods her stomach was quite week thus he ordered a less spicy hangover soup that wouldn't make her stomach ache. Placing her glass on her hand and moving the utensil that nearly bumped her fingers. He did everything almost naturally that sometimes she didn't notice it.

"Less spicier would be great." Li Jun Wei finished his order to close the menu and took the other menu on Li Lian's hand before passing it back to the waiter.

"Have you met your manager?" He took the water jar with lemon and poured it to her glass first in a sequence.

"Yes. She was a very aspiring and good person." She drank the refreshing lemon-infused water which was good for her throat and vocal cord in the morning. "But it seems Xiao Chen has a bit of a hard time dealing with her."

"She was his senior in school in the past." Li Jun Wei explained and heard her asking another question.

"Older than Xiao Chen? You know about her, does that mean you were in the same class as her?" Her eyes tracked his pale long fingers on the glass, making a beautiful line on his aesthetic sculpted fingers.

"I wasn't when Xiao Chen was in a high school I was working." He looked aside to see the clam pasta being served on the plate and took all the clams on Li Lian's plate to unshell them to place it back to Li Lian's plate.

"What's the age difference between you two? 6 years?" Li Lian thanked him and twirled her fork to make a small lump to eat it in delight.

"No, 8 years." Li Jun Wei also took a small bite of his food.

"That's a far age different." Li Lian commented. "I don't think anyone could see that since you two were so close. You know it's pretty rare for siblings with a far age difference to get that close."

"Really?" His word wasn't a question but rather a statement. "When Xiao Chen was just born, I spent most of my time tending him."

"Ah." Li Lian replied with a nod and pulled another topic to thread the conversation. "The birthday party we will be going to tomorrow, is it your first cousin's birthday?"

"No. Second cousin, my great aunt's son Li Ye Hua." Li Jun Wei paused and took a mouthful of water to continue. "My great aunt took him in from an orphanage but soon my grandmother took him in. Even though he is aunt Qiao Ling's son. That's why his surname is Li."

Li Jun Wei quenched some of Li Lian's curiosity before she asked him. "I heard that the melody for your debut music had finished. I can't wait to hear the complicated song."

Li Lian tucked her hair to the back of her ears a little timid with excitement. After being said about such a thing from Li Jun Wei, her desire to sing the song and make it a hit grew even larger.

"I will do my best." Li Lian's words were replied with a gentle caress on her head by him.

As they exited the restaurant, Li Lian wore another layer of a thick brown colored trench coat and waited near the entrance to take a fresh morning breath. A hint of dampness on the air could be felt when Li Lian rubbed both palms near her pink-tinted cheek.

As she looked down, the corner of her eyes caught the billboard next to her flickering with the debut MV of Xie Hue Lin. She looked at her little sister dressed in a dark blue short dress. Frills filled the bottom of her dress, adding a sense of adorableness to her innocent face. Following her singing in a stage filled with white lotus to symbolize her pure image, a fragile high-pitched voice played with a piano melody.

Unlike Li Lian's debut music which would be a ballad, Xie Hue Lin used sweet jazz.