Chapter 129: Smooth To Woo-I

The body of the boy was leaner than she thought, he was even more slender than her. Bringing him lightly, she asked. "Can you walk properly now?" Touching an unknown young man when she have a husband doesn't sit right to her. As much as she detest rumors she knows well that little things such as this could be the source for the gossipers.

"Yes." Wei Tsui Lan replied, releasing his hand from hers and had a disappointment flashing over his eyes. "I don't think you remember me, but we've met once, Mrs. Li."

Met once? She looked at him trying to remember his face when she recalled. "Are you perhaps the person I saved? The one that had troubles of breathing." She saw Wei Tsu Lan smiling happily. "That's right, it was me." At the end of his words, he bent his head low enough to reach lower than her shoulder. "That day I didn't gate to thank you. If it wasn't for your help, I would have died in the worse case, thank you very much."

His grateful words were very polite that Li Lian who rarely had people thanking her kn such a manner felt awkward. "I am glad to see that you are fine and I know even without me you wouldn't die, Mr. Wei."

Wei Tsui Lan looked confused. "How so?"

"Because you have a good luck." She said, making the man more confused but he didn't ask her again. Looking toward the part hall she spoke. "Well then, it was good to talk with you. My husband is currently waiting for me, please excuse me."

It was only her feeling but the way Wei Tsui Lan looked at her reminded her of a person who held an attachment toward a person. Did he fell for her after the time she had helped him? Even if he did, he now knew that she had been married to Li Jun Wei and doubt the man would pursue her. But what if he had been waiting for her the entire time in the hallway?

The young man was a dear friend of Li Jun Wei's cousin and also judging by how close his relationship with Li Family, the family seemed to be very close to the young man. If he did fell for her, that would make the entire situation in shambles. Also for an unrequited love which was the most heartbreaking feeling for a person to posses, it's better for her to keep brief to the young man before he advances more to love.

And, she should make the young man remember that she already had a husband. One that she wouldn't ever want to be separated from.

Li Jun Wei stood with a pillar behind him, surrounded by a crowd, his eyes fell at Fu Wanxi who hurriedly stepped out of the restricted place for the families. Calling a servant near him, his eyes turned stern. "Is no one waiting in front of the East Hall?"

The male servant turned his eyes to the place Li Jun Wei mentioned, seeing no one the man made a surprised expression and tattered under Li Jun Wei's peering gaze. "I apologize master, there should have been someone-"

"And there is no one." He said. "Go and call the person who was suppose to wait in front of the door and call the guards. Stop the woman who came to that place just now."

"A woman?" The male servant asked instead of heeding to his order.

"Now." He said a word and the man who felt the underlying chill went, tucking his tail between his legs.

Li Lian had just went into the same door to the washroom. Did she met the woman there? Seeing the face he recalled it to be the woman who bore hatred to Li Lian since her university day. Why was she there? As she ran the woman had an unpleasant smile. Frost glazed his black eyes, holding his expression vacant from his smile he went toward the East Hall.

Once he arrived, he found Li Lian speaking toward Wei Tsui Lan. He had noticed that expression over the young man's face the entire time since they met. It was no wonder that someone would fall for her, Li Lian is a beautiful woman. Regardless of who saw her, they would immediately agree on her beauty that made no one could ever avoid their eyes to her.

"Li Lian." He called and had her eyes bloomed at him into a smile. "Did you come for me?"

"You were late and I thought something happen." He said gently placing his hand on his waist. "The party is about to end after another half an hour but if you are tired, we could go home now." He saw Li Lian shaking her head. "I'm fine we should wait until the party ends." Leaving before the party end for a family member seemed disrespectful to her and truthfully she wasn't tired now. "Thank you for worrying about me."

He bent his head pulling a few strands and kissed her forehead moving a little away he whispered. "We are husband and wife now, you shouldn't thank me when I'm worried of my soul's other half." Li Lian touched her cheeks and looked at him. Words were lights but when other said it to you it felt different. The impact when he called her other half was something great that her eyes grew unstable. She wanted to compose herself but when she looked up and saw his lips, he reminded the first kiss they shared and instead had herself back in circles of heartbeats.

Seeming as though he forgot something, Li Jun Wei turned his eyes and met Wei Tsui Lan's gaze, the man had a smile over his lips but their eyes were against each other.

"We should go back to the party hall now." Li Lian broke the gaze between the two men.

"There is something I still have to do, Li Lian can you go back to the party first?" She saw his eyes moving toward Wei Tsui Lan and wondered for a moment whether the thing he had something to do was with the young man. She wasn't slow and could tell that Li Jun Wei must have realized with what feeling Wei Tsui Lan had as she saw her. She had something to tell to him but not now in front of the young man. Nodding she went to the party hall and resume the party while the two men was left alone in the long hall.