Chapter 133: My Feelings For You

The room was silent after her words, followed by the sound of winds hitting the window which was opened ajar. Her words made his heart lighter. So he didn't rejected him because she dislike his touches. "What do you want to say?" He urged her, taking her gaze which had moved to the window that were making tattling sounds.

"Can we sit down first?" Li Lian saw him smiling sweetly as he nodded. "Okay." Retracting his hand and steps behind, Li Lian finally felt she could breath an air. Whenever Li Jun Wei went close to her face, she felt her cheeks steamings hot and her lips wanting to touch his. Taking a step forward, she heard his footsteps stopped when he reached the couch. Before she took a seat, Li Lian locked the window which had been creating distraction and sat right beside him.

In the silence of the first few minutes after she sat down, Li Lian fiddled her fingers under his gaze. Inhaling a mouthful of breath she started. "Last night, I didn't get the chance to say everything." She looked under her eyelashes, mentioning the night where she had told him everything to find the man hearing her words with extra attention and continued. "I've told you everything about me and I know it had only been less than five months after we're married. I also understand that we could take it easy for both of us until we can grow our feelings to each other." Her throat felt moist to the point she kept on licking her lips as she speaks. "That night I was too drunk and although I remember, I still think there are words I have to say to you when I'm sober."

He waited for her words and felt his own heart thudding as she advanced her words. "What are those words?" Taking her palm, his hand tightened above her.

"I think I fell for you." Her heart felt burn and something deep in her stomach tied. "I love you." It started when she first met him, her heart fluttered and when she saw his gentle expression, she could tell just how deep he felt for her. Then slowly she found everything of him endearing. Like a water drops, slowly her love for him swell into a large lake. There was a fear in her, a fear of being betrayed again as she had many times been let down when she tried to trust someone. But she knew he wouldn't be one of those people. His love was pure for her and she wouldn't be a person who would ignore the love he gave unconditionally.

Li Jun Wei raised his hand, taking her into his embrace and shared his warmth. Rubbing her head in one hand, his other hand wrapped on her waist. He didn't say anything for quite a long time after her confession, making her to feel nervous at his answer. "Jun Wei?"

"Me too." He replied quickly and a giggle left her lips, one that was the happiest she had ever been for her entire life. "I know." Her words ended in a whisper.

"But," his eyes fell when he heard the one word she spoke. "I still have questions Jun Wei and I hope you can tell me everything."

Li Jun Wei released her waist as he gave her a confirmation. "Is it about our marriage?"

'That's one of it." She saw him rose his brows.

"I promise to answer all your question truthfully." He gave her his words even though without it, she believed his words. "What do you want to ask?" He spoke gently, the warmth of his hand which left on her back now felt lonely.

Li Lian wondered which she should ask first but she wasn't in a hurry. "Our marriage first. I know you did it for my sake and I've been wanting to ask you. Is it to protect me from Xie Hue Lin? Or is it to protect me from anyone else? Or both?" She had taken his words he said when she had just woken up from coma as a meaning to protect her from Xie Hue Lin at first but now that she think again, it seemed different. If it was to protect her from Xie Hue Lin, she was sure he had other options than marriage.

He gave her a soft nods. "The truth is, I know you came from Ryouma Family." He saw her face giving a surprised expression but wasn't as surprised as she should have been. Li Lian had a feeling but she wasn't sure of her thought at first.

"How? Does this have to do with our marriage?" Asked Li Lian to receive his smile. "Yes. Our marriage have been agreed by your grandfather." This time her eyes fell in shock. Her grandfather? "You've met him?"

"Yes, I've also met Mr. Keiichirou." Li Lian casted her gazerom the spot she had been gazing and sank into ponder. If Li Jun Wei had met her grandfather and Kei, Shun and Shin would've met him too. But when they first meet the man, they seemed to be clueless. Shun and Shin weren't the type to lie as they would instantly show their lies through their face that is except they didn't know it. "But, Brother Shin and Shun don't know you."

"That's because I didn't meet him." Seeing her expression turned in puzzles like a person who had been running around the maze for hours he explained throughly. "It start after your accident, Li Lian. At the time I found out that you was in an accident and was transferred to the hospital, however, on the way to the hospital the ambulance was attacked by a group of men in motorcycles." Li Lian drew her brows. Was it Xie Hue Lin who sent the men? Perhaps she wanted to make sure to completely kill her? She could never understand the reason why her little sister hated her so much that she wanted to kill her. But now she had grown use to the thought Xie Hue Lin wanted to rob her life. And when a day came where Xie Hue Lin attack her with a knife of gun, she wouldn't be at the least taken aback or surprised.

Seeming as if he could read her thought he continued. "I also suspected Hue Lin to be the person behind the second attack, however, it wasn't her. It was someone sent by the Yakuza. Their target was you."