Chapter 140: Was It Not Enough?

Li Lian woke up early that day, she tied her hair in a secure ponytail and walked out of her room to greet all the maids she passed by the halls with a smile. Walking down the hallways she finally reach the dining room and inhaled a breath. Last night all she could think was him that the image on her head when she slept was only his face and nothing else.she didn't know if she would be able to hold her face without smiling a little sillily but she didn't really care.

Opening the door wide, she hopped and greeted Li Jun Wei with a blooming smile. "Jun Wei, good morning!"

"Good Morning," he smiled as he folded the newspaper he had been reading and saw the tips of her ears turning bright red.

"How was your sleep last night?" She asked again and took the bread and spread the jam equally in all her carefulness. "Here," she gave the bread to his plate.

"I had a very good sleep. Thank you." He whispered in a gentle smile.

She hummed taking a bite of her bread, "Li Lei, about all the dresses in my room." She trailed half way and saw his eyes questioning her. "Was it not enough?"

Li Lian rose her brows, "what was not enough?"

"The dresses." He replied and took a sip of his water. "I didn't know what brand or designer you like, so I tried to buy a wide range of dresses you may like but perhaps it was enough." He hummed, "I should buy a lot more dress for you."

Li Lian waved her hand to stop him from doing so. She knew he had quite amount of wealth to the point he could probably make a tall wall of nothing but block of pure gold but she wasn't used to the thought of having too many dresses she wouldn't be able to wear everyday. "There's no need," she took his hand and smiled. "I have too many dress that I'm worried which to use, it's better to buy new dresses when I need a new one or else it would be a waste."

Li Lian thought it would be hard to persuade him but despite her thought he easily gave her a nod. "Don't forget to ask me when you want a new clothing." He said in a readily voice.

"Thank you," she smiled.

"Everything for you." He returned.

"But Xiao Chen is still not back?" Usually by this time Li Xiao Chen would pop his head out of no where showing his smile and probing his brother's love life. Since they left Li Xiao Chen on Li House, the young man hadn't shown any sign of coming back to his house.

"He came back to his own house." Li Jun Wei replied lightly.

"His own house? I thought he live here." Li Lian frank the glass of milk Li Jun Wei passed to her.

"No, he doesn't live here. He often came here only because his house is near." Li Jun Wei replied to have Li Lian tilting her head. The only places near Li Jun Wei's house was a large garden and only three other houses near the place in the same pavilion. "Where specifically?" She asked.

"The house behind us." Li Lian let a hearty laugh, "Did he followed you here?" She joked and saw Li Jun Wei giving a grin. "He did."

On the afternoon, Li Lian arrived at the company and was immediately greeted by her manager, Wei Mo Ran who wore a deep red blazer in a color akin to burning red flames. "Mo Ran Jie-jie!" She greeted cheerfully.

Seeing how bright and happy Li Lian was, Wei Mo Ran who had been using an expression nothing less to a wall finally let out a smile. "Good Morning, Li Lian you look happy today did your date yesterday went well?"

Li Lian had her expression stiff for a moment but fortunately enough, Wei !o Ran missed the change on her expression. "What date? I was attending a party." She replied.

"I know, I was joking." Wei Mo Ran stopped their little chit chat there and had her expression to become serious, "Today will be your first recording for your debut music."

"Yes," Li Lian replied.

"Next Monday would be a recording with the OST music for the movie you auditioned. I wanted to have your debut music earlier like about a week before the movie come out, but unfortunately we could only release it by three days difference, there will be some backlashes but not a great one so you could ignore it." She then pulled a smirk. "Especially if you are able to make everyone surprise by your song I can guarantee you there will be only one percent of people who would give you a bad comment."

The way she spoke was confident making sure the singer under her wouldn't pressured by her words. "Then I should do my best!" Li Lian cheered herself for the woman beside her to cheer her too in her heart.

Wei Mo Ran could tell ever since their first time meeting that Li Lian was a hardworking person but she could also sense that was something else that drive her to work harder then the rest artists. "Next Monday we would be starting for the music video."

"About that, Mo Ran jie-jie actually I have something in mind. Since before when I started singing I imagine to dance in my debut music video."

Wei Mo Ran didn't instantly gave her agreement and stood to sang a hum between her lips. "What kind of dance?"

"A simple dance like modern ballet." Li Lian specifically gave her thoughts.

"That's a good idea," Wei Mo Ran started for Li Lian to make a faint victory pose. "But, can I ask you something Li Lian?"

"Sure." Li Lian nodded by Wei Mo Ran careful words, it seemed the question was important, "What is it?"

"Are you perhaps trying to beat the new singer Xie Hue Lin?" Li Lian stayed calm despite the shocking statement Wei Mo Ran gave. Li Xiao Chen had said that Wei Mo Ran was an excellent manager personally chose by Li Jun Wei and Li Lian could understand the reason well.

"You can choose not to answer if you don't want to." Wei Mo Ran added lightly to see Li Lian smiling.

"No, it's fine. You are right I do want to beat her, Mo Ran. But if you worry that I'm following her path, you shouldn't be. Because unlike her, I have a charm that no one could have or resist." Li Lian said confidently. Xie Hue Lin had always put an innocent act as her selling point and unlike her, Li Lian wouldn't use the little fake innocent charm because she had a different charisma than her little sister.