Chapter 142: Encouraging Song

Li Lian felt the lyrics of the song gave her a feeling of lingering, there was some point where she had to raise her voice and lower it. The song may had a melancholy hint in the tune but the way Li Lian had sung the song was to send encouragement to people.

"Someday soon I know we will meet again and like that day I will come to you like a star fall." The last lyric she sang ended and before they knew it the three people standing outside had clapped their hands in astonishment.

Li Lian took of her earphone wiping the sweat that didn't appear in the studio as she realized the cold air in the room.

"That was amazing Ms. Yue! Every line of the song that you sang really pack with emotions!" Du Zhen praised as Li Lian walked out of the studio for a light break.

"Thank you very much it's because the song and lyrics Mr. Du and Mr. In made it made it easier for me to express the feeling."

"No! Don't be humble Ms. Yu, I can't even believe that the lyric I wrote could sound that fluttering and encouraging." In Shu said happily.

"What do you think about the recording?" Li Lian asked to Du Zhen and the man took a time to repeat the recording again and hummed. "For now there isn't any mistake I can't find, everything feel very perfect. We just need the back sounds and a few level octave to accompany the melody."

"Should we do it today all at once? Then you can tamper with the music again." Li Lian returned.

"That's a good idea." Du Zhen chuckled, "I said this earlier but we can finish the music in only less than three days and it seemed I'm correct." He said with a proud note.

Then by the time of late evening Li Lian finished recording her voice again and had a few retry for Du Zhen who felt the tone had to change at some part. Done with the recording, Li Lian took a rest at the couch and took the water bottle Wei Mo Ran passed to her. "Good work Today."

"You too." Li Lian smiled where the woman gave her a smirk. "We still have some time should we discuss the shooting for the music video first?"

As it was her debut music video, every single details are important to Wei Mo Ran. They begin by discussing the clothes to fit the theme of the song and the dance Li Lian suggested. To make sure they have their own trait that Li Lian could deliver with her charm, Wei Mo Ran put enough attention to the dance she would do.

"The promotions in your social media account is doing a great job too." Wei Mo Ran said as she placed her tablet on the desk in front of them.

Li Lian scrolled down and read the comments of the fans requesting and asking for her debut music video release with excitement and had her smile blooming upward. As her dream since childhood was to become a singer having experience the expectations from people who want to hear her song made her happier than she could ever describe. Wei Mo Ran too who sat beside her can't help but felt warm rubbing off from her.

"The shooting would start this Monday, right?" Li Lian asked for her confirmation and her manager gave her a nod. "Before that, I want to ask you to record your dancing video so I can coordinate the shooting set."

"I prefer a wide space." Li Lian smiled at her own suggestion.

"I'll take a note of it, anything else?"

"Not at the Moment." Other than a wide flat surface to dance, she only need her leg and hands to dance. She didn't need anything else for now and they drew a close to their discussion.

When they reached the elevator, Wei Mo Ran suddenly receive a call from her phone and took it when suddenly her expression took a turn to a frown. "I am sure I had told you to keep little information as possible before next week." She raised her tone sternly and the man who called her felt he had become smaller at her anger.

"We tried Ms. Wei however you should know better than me that news like these are hard to control alone." The man sighed in troubled.

Wei Mo Ran clicked her tongue, "for now just hold the news as much as you can." The man replied to heed at her order and she ended the call to cross her arm over her chest.

Li Lian noticed something had went very wrong, "What's wrong?"

"The news that you entered the audition seemed to flared out in social media. There should be nothing wrong because we've gave announcement for your debut music but Mr. Deng isn't a bad person at his work I'm guessing that there must be someone who leak the source." And that someone must be Xie Hue Lin, Li Lian thought. That little sister of her must had heard the auditioned went through and leak the information so she would receive hate before her debut or perhaps she did it to make people to object her as the OST singer.

"You should go home tonight and don't worry about the news it wouldn't hurt a single demerits to us." Wei Mo Ran patted her shoulder lightly.

"I'm not worried, thank you Mo Ran Jie-jie." Li Lian parted her ways with Wei Mo Ran after her words.

As she walked down the entrance to wait for the car to arrive, Li Lian saw He Chang Min who seemed to be waiting inside his car the entire time for her to exit the building. Li Lian rolled her eyes in disgust, walking to pass his car and He Chang Min walked out of his car to extend his hand and take her wrist. But before he could, Li Lian raised her hand to her waist.

"What are you doing?" She frowned with a curt tone.

He Chang Min retracted his hand and pushed his idle hand he reached out to his trouser pocket. "Waiting for you." His voice showed enough sternness she disliked.