Chapter 155: Back Home-I

Li Lian heard the way the man called Li Jun Wei's name leisurely seeming to be having a friendly relationship with each other.

"Was there a time when I called you for something other than this? It is your job." Li Jun Wei said for the man to laugh.

"Yes, yes, you are right." then Ruen shifted his eyes to see Li Lian's face for a long moment to squint his eyes and threw his glances back and forth from Li Jun Wei to Li Lian, asking, "Well, who is this? Did you bring a woman? I thought you were allergic to women." he added his words in surprise.

Li Jun Wei knitted his brows, "Since when was I allergic to women." it was more of a statement than a question.

"You are not?!" Ruen pulled a shocked face. "Remember the time when Xiao Chen was confused about why you wouldn't date for a long time and prefer staying with men?"

"That could lead to misunderstandings," He frowned to the choice of Ruen's words. "I was working."

"That what I was pointing to, you choose work rather than having time to date a woman! It isn't normal you know!" With Ruen chirping loudly beside his ears, Li Jun Wei frown knit tighter.

Ruen took his hand and removed the white gloves on his hand to extend it in front of Li Lian, smiling widely to say, "My name is Hao Ruen, Li Jun Wei's friend, and the police chief of this beautiful city. May I know your name, miss?"

"Li Lian," she named then adding, "Li Li Lian, Li Jun Wei's wife."

"What?!" Ruen didn't hide his surprise and screamed out his surprise, "What?!" he shot a glance to Li Jun Wei, "Wife? I thought you were still girlfriends and boyfriends. Jin Wei, you move fast." he nudged his elbow to the air on his last sentence.

Ticked by Ruen's blaring tattle, Li Jun Wei rose his brows, "What's wrong with moving fast? It's better than losing." this had Li Lian to blush her cheeks hard in pink.

"Haha," Ruen chuckled, "You're right but it's funny isn't it, Li Li Lian, there is three Li character in your name, Ms. Li Lian."

"But it's a good name and it has a good ring to my name." Li Lian said.

"Ah, newlywed look at that, so adorable," Ruen commented until he receives Li Jun Wei's glare that his mouth began to quiet down.

Clearing his throat, he shifted his eyes to the corpses, "Okay, let's stop talking about that." His cheerful expression turns serious, "Let's me start by asking what happened here?" Li Jun Wei gave him the fill of information, filling all the blanks he had.

"The sniper came from there?" Asked Ruen confirming their witnesses to have his eyes squinting to the position where the sniper was once at.

"Yes," replied Li Jun Wei.

"That is a very long range to shoot at. On a tree no less," muttered Ruen. "Anyone wounded from your group?" he asked Li Jun Wei.

"No one." Ruen gave him a nod. "Good." and the man was called by his subordinate for the man to follow his subordinate.

Li Lian saw the way Ruen calmly organize the case seeming a little used to things like this and spoke to Li Jun Wei in a whisper when the man had left, "Will it be alright for the police to be in charge of this?"

In the past, her grandfather had also worked together with the police but Yakuzas tend to avoid police and to her, this situation was a little dangerous and was worried that the police would peg them as suspects.

"Don't worry, Ruen is tasked to take care of issues like these in the police," he said lightly.

Li Lian not understanding it, asked, "Tasked in a matter like these?"

"Mhm," he responded back to her, "Ruen and his group were hired to clean out matters regarding Yakuzas, mafias, and some times people in the higher class who was often at risk of being targeted by hitmen."

"Like us." Li Lian added to hum.

"Yes. I have known Ruen since before but that doesn't mean he would let us kill a person without taking a blame unless it is self defense and what we did is categorized as self defense act. He knew this but he still have to do his responsibility to investigate."

So that was why Ruen keep his investigation even after hearing their statements, thought Li Lian.

As they were talking, Ruen walked toward them to ask, "Can I take the camera in your car, Jun Wei?"

"Take this too." said Li Jun Wei passing the phone that Nobu used. "They said this connect to the person who hired them."

"The employer?" Ruen took the phone, putting it in a clear plastic bag so the finger prints wouldn't be destroyed.

Li Lian and Li Jun Wei have waited for the call of the employer to go through however, even after waiting for twenty minutes there had been no call and it was safe for them to conclude the employer had given up on Nobu.

"Have you called them?" asked Ruen and Li Lian replied,

"It seemed that the employer called him with constant number changes unless the employer call I don't think they will be able to contact each other."

"A one sided employment. Do you have anyone in mind who have grudge against you, Jun Wei?" asked Ruen.

Li Jun Wei pulled a smile where it goes between cold and frenzy to reply, "Many." In his line of work being the number one person in the city wasn't easy for him as his rivals would want to kill him in every chance possible and when he married Li Lian, he had expected the danger to double or perhaps quadrupled.

"Thought so," Ruen agreed with his hand rubbing his chin. "You can go home now thank you for the cooperations. I will contact you again if there is any progress regarding this matter, for now, I will have to discuss this with the rest of the people in the police."

"Thank you," said Li Jun Wei before he received a wide polite smile from Ruen who gave them a bow as the two left the place.