Chapter 185: I Don’t Drink-II

However, Wei Mo Ran had make sure that the stage was build sturdier than other so there wouldn't any accident that could happen to Li Lian. Unless there was someone who had tampered with the stage she couldn't think there were reason for the stage to break. She didn't know if it was fortunate or not that she had pushed the date of Li Lian's music video to the other day and there was a crewman who had tested the stage.

When the elevator opened, Wei Mo Ran entered at the same time her phone call entered, "I will be going there now. Is there any problem?" she asked.

"No, He is alright miss!" the woman spoke.

"Tell him I will be back a little late today and that he could sleep before me. Also say that he could sleep in my room and don't stay in his usual room." Wei Mo Ran said to receive and affirmative word from the woman.