Chapter 197: Fingers-III

Few hours ago,

The Old Master sat in the room where the meeting was held on and when the door opened, Shun and Shin entered first to be followed by Akasaka Haruhi. The man smiled wide when he met the Old Master and bowed in courtesy. His appearance was like any other young man but the Old Master had heard of what had taken place in the entrance that he knew unlike Haruhi's appearance he was someone they had to be careful of.

"Good evening, Haruhi." The Old Master greeted.

"Good evening to you, sir. I wish this evening to be a silent one but unfortunately just now, something occurred." Haruhi offered the smile, sitting down on the ground like the rest of people who sat down and Kei slide the door close before he took a seat near the Old Master. "Have you heard of what happened yet?"

"I haven't." The Old Master feigned his cluelessness but it was true he didn't know what happened as he had only heard a few scene which was important.