Chapter 208: Night Activities-I

At her innocent question, one side of Li Jun Wei's lips quirked up, his mood was high on the clouds at the moment and he couldn't stop himself from pulling Li Lian's legs. "Warm." Li Jun Wei replied for Li Lian to take a note of his words. She felt her hands slightly trembling with how fast her heart was beating and her eyes that she kept down below for a very long time finally lifted up.

Her eyes fall first on his back as she was standing right behind him. His back was broad and taut. She hadn't felt his back but a part of her tell that it would be as soft as his skin looked. Fortunately Li Jun Wei's eyes were closed, letting her to do her work without loosing her sanity. Seeing the feasty view in front of her eyes, Li Lian felt her sweats rolled from the side of her face and her throat gulped.