Chapter 237: Fake and Genuine-I

In the dark Li Lian turned her body away from facing him, she made more space as her heartbeat was getting out of hands. Li Jun Wei noticed this and seeing her body rolled to the rights slowly, he pushed his body closer to the right, pushing Li Lian to the edge. When Li Lian noticed she was on the edge of her bed, her body turned to the left where her hand fall to touch Li Jun Wei's taut muscles and her hand flail. Why was he here now?

"Jun Wei," she whispered, hoping he wasn't asleep. In the dark with her eyes still wasn't used to the lack of light, it was hard to know what Li Jun Wei was thinking or doing. Or if he was awake. So the best she could was to call his name which in return, he didn't replied to her. "Jun Wei." she called again and Li Jun Wei loved to her hear sweet voice calling his name over and over again.