Chapter 268: Calling The Unknown-II

The corridor where they were was a place restricted from others and Li Lian had walked in a distance so people didn't think they would be together. For further protection, Violet was standing near her in case if the man screamed for help but Wei Tsui Lan didn't. Instead of fear, he seemed to enjoy being pressed to the wall.

Li Lian access what Wei Tsui Lan was thinking but with the smile, she could not see anything from him. "You believe the rumors but you are not afraid of what I could do?"

"With the help of Li Jun Wei?" asked Wei Tsui Lan and Li Lian pushed him again to the floor, pressing his back closer to the wall for his a sound of thud to be heard.

"With or without his help." replied Li Lian, her voice was rigid, loosing the kindness and so was the smile from her lips. "What else do you know about me?"