Chapter 281: Offering a Hand-III

Ruen looked at Li Jun Wei who had spoken the words lightly about a murder intention, inside a police station with his tone lightly as if they were not talking about killing a person. "If I could, I would not have work in this job." replied Ruen, an answer that Li Jun Wei expected which why Li Jun Wei had asked the man.

"You love your job as much as you hate the person who killed your daughter." Li Jun Wei answered, the liquid in his cup was lighter in color compared to Ruen's.

"That's a very odd way to measure things but I guess you are right." Ruen chuckled, his lips pulling to a pity grin he directed for himself. "I some times wonder why do I work here when if I caught the killer of my daughter, the person would only serve a seven year sentence at most." sighed the man who turned his eyes away from the picture of his family that he took when everything was still peaceful at that time.