Chapter 296: Short Dinner-III

Li Lian wondered what Li Jun Wei was watching of. Her gaze shifted slowly to follow from his eyes toward the place where he was watching at. It was a large panel of window, tall that reached up to the ceiling that also connected to the third floor where on the top of the ceiling Li Lian saw the chandelier that emitted golden color.

She noticed what Li Jun Wei was watching of with his expression emotionless and void was the glass. Li Lian why would he stared at the glass or if it was the garden outside where a large pool was that covered by leaves that hanged from above like creepers to add a cool feeling. Staring at the window then Li Lian brought her left hand up which was connected to Li Jun Wei's right hand.

"Is this the place?" asked Li Lian, her eyes on him slowly turned with an expectation that made her heartbeat to race. "Where your hand had an accident?"