Chapter 287: Win Or Lose-II

Li Lian shifted her gaze to follow Li Jun Wei's line of sight to see Jin Nu Yuan, Jin Suzheng, and his wife coming together. The 'they' he meant was them, thought Li Lian. "Did they win last autumn festival?" asked Li Lian and Li Jun Wei shook his head,

"Last year Xiao Chen won, two years ago was them and three years before was me," He explained, and just when Li Lian was about to praise the family he added, "Do you want to guess who won four years ago?"

Li Lian tilted her head in question and she rewinds Li Jun Wei's words, finding that the sequence was somewhat odd. The first year was Xiao Chen, the next Jin cousins, and Li Jun Wei. Taking the guess, she spoke, "They won?"

"Correct." Li Jun Wei kissed her cheeks as if to reward her.