Chapter 302: Talk to Linyue-II

Li Xiao Chen stood up from his bed. In the hospital he had stayed in bed for hours and now at house was no different than make him wonder if he was still in a hospital? Staying idle doesn't suit him thought the young man who then used the help of his crane to push open the door of his room when his face fell when seeing who was standing near his room, his second aunt, Li Rin Zu and Long Hua her son behind her.

"Oh my Xiao Chen, are you sure you should go out now? Don't push yourself unless you want to have another broken bones." said Li Rin Zu. Since his childhood, Li Xiao Chen found himself often avoiding his second aunt for the reason of the woman's mouth. It never stopped to tell him with words that not very subtly degrading.

"I can take a few more broken bones and would still be alive unless tomorrow I know someone would stab me instead of breaking my bones." Smiled Li Xiao Chen to see Li Rin Zu making a sour face.