Chapter 312: Third Wheel-II

"We went to father and mother's memorial." Li Jun Wei explained to his grandparents, receiving a sadness to appear before a smile.

Li Lian caught the expression made by Madam Li. Li family may seem perfect. The family members live in harmony with path of their lives paved without hardship. But Li Lian learned from the four day stay in the house that what may look in the eye isn't what it seemed. 

She could tell that most members had their own problems they don't voice out and stayed on their place with a smile that may seemed somewhat stifling. Madam and Master Li seemed to be hiding something about Li Jun Wei's accident but her love for her grandsons were genuine.

"Which reminds me seeing you two sweet couples, I heard that Wang's son is engaged?" asked Li Rin Zu, the woman starting the gossip.

"He had?" asked Madam Li who was curious, "Is it not a rumor?"