Chapter 324: Catalyst-II

He Chang Min's eyes narrowed at the ordering tone Li Jun Wei used. Even without the man's face, his words brew the confident like how a king would use. He Chang Min couldn't say he was happy to talk of meet Li Jun Wei. Deep down, he hated to see Li Lian and Li Jun Wei together when he was the one who had been with Li Lian before him. 

But the one who Li Lian had chosen was Li Jun Wei and He Chang Min couldn't do anything about it. He gave a thought about meeting Li Jun Wei. Noting that there was no words Li Jun Wei said whether he was waiting for his reply, as if knowing he would come. Leaving the Million Entertainment, He Chang Min drove to the place where Li Jun Wei told him to.

Upon arriving, He Chang Min entered the room to be a large dining room of the hotel. Many people were in place and out of all guests, Li Jun Wei stood out the most that He Chang Min didn't need a help of the waiter to be able and find the man.