Chapter 345: I am Right!-II

The maid who had been waiting adjacent to the door inside the mansion then heard the sound of the phone, the guard called notifying the arrival of the mistress and as if she had been chased by wild boars, the maid rushed out from the house to make her way to Li Lian. 

"Mistress!" The maid called and noticing how loud she sounded, she cleared her throat to even her throat, "We have a guest arriving to the house."

Li Lian who was hugging the adorable little Sian on her hand, raised her brows, "Is it Mrs. Jin and Nu Yuan?" Li Lian didn't know what to say, whether they were smart or brave to invite themselves again to the house when she had reprimanded them in front of Madam Li last time.

"No, without Mrs. Jin, young lady Nu Yuan is the only guest," said the maid.