Chapter 352: Wrong Interest-III

"It would be great if we could talk again later, I had fun talking with you," said the singer who had been talking with Li Lian earlier with a kind smile. Li Lian found the woman who had spoken with her to be a person easy to talk to. 

"If there is another chance." Li Lian returned the woman's smile to leave the place when she noticed how Xie Hue Lin walk toward her with her expression smiling. Li Lian could tell how there was no fear anymore on her sister's face but a different expression had taken a place on her expression.

"Sister," Xie Hue Lin called her the words again, meaning their talk now was not as singers but sisters. But were they truly sisters? 

"It makes me happy you call me that," Li Lian smiled, her words doesn't come in the meaning she seemed to say. Xie Hue Lin could call her sister but she would never see her like one. "But I am not your sister, I would like it if you wouldn't call me that any longer."