Chapter 402: It’s Not Her-III

"He is not there?" Li Lian's voice came as she left the ground floor of a certain restaurant. Holding her phone to her ear, she waited for Li Xiao Chen to reply to her words, hearing a few heaps of breaths Xiao Chen breathed in and out, seemingly out of of breath from running for hours.

"Not here, this is the last place he should be according the secretary's schedule," Li Xiao Chen sighed, they had been going around for more than half an hour, searching for where his brother could have gone as he suddenly disappeared out of no where.

"I didn't find him here either," Li Lian pursed her lips as worries come to set and settle on her face. She didn't know what happen but during the last two hours according to the last bodyguard who saw Li Jun Wei, her husband had suddenly went missing. "Have you questioned the last bodyguard who met him?"

"They are gone," Li Xiao Chen said when receiving a word from the person on his left and clicked his tongue impatiently.