Chapter 423: Jin To Ashes-III

"AHHH!!!" The scream echoed. Li Lian wondered if Li Jun Wei was pushing too hard as he was deep in anger and went to stop him before he did things that wouldn't be able to undo. But before she did, she found Mrs. Jin was still on her ground, covering her head in fear for the impact which didn't come as Li Jun Wei had just stopped his swung when the golf stick neared her head a little.

On the other hand, Jin Nu Yuan who screamed had fell on the ground, fainted as fear had caught her entire body and suspend her consciousness. 

Mrs. Jin opened her eyes when she realized the golf stick didn't hit her and her eyes opened to see Li Jun Wei's shadow towering her in a taunt. His smile crept slowly on his lips, "Did I scared you, auntie? I won't beat you. I have plenty of things stored in my mind as for what I can do and this is only a warning for you to clean your mouth and not call my wife with the condescending remark you said earlier."