Chapter 428: Clearing Stained Name-II

"I want you two that's what I want," Naomi said, being clear with what she want. Shun and Shin immediately glowered and she chuckled, continuing before they pull the gun which she knew was hidden beneath the table ever since the man named Kei had led her inside. The act was predictable as she had spent her entire life living in the similar environment.

"I love my brother," Naomi suddenly said, having more skeptical look from the twins. "Just like the way you two love your sister, I want to help my brother."

"And by help is having us?" Shun asked, putting his hand over Shin's, his older twin that was holding the gun with his knuckle crack due to the pressure he placed on his palm.

Naomi stared at the two, tugging her smile widen, "Yes. Polygamy is not possible with the rules we have but it's fine if one of you marry me and another live in my house. It's normal for both woman and men in our society to have mistress. In your case, lover?"